matlab - Output morse code from a file -

my program supposed read text file , output in morse code.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function morse(filename)  % morse converts text morse code , writes file    % defining characters & numbers     = ['.-'];     b = ['-...'];     c = ['-.-.'];     d = ['-..'];     e = ['.'];     f = ['..-.'];     g = ['--.'];     h = ['....'];     = ['..'];     j = ['.---'];     k = ['-.-'];     l = ['.-..'];     m = ['--'];     n = ['-.'];     o = ['---'];     p = ['.--.'];     q = ['--.-'];     r = ['.-.'];     s = ['...'];     t = ['-'];     u = ['..-'];     v = ['...-'];     w = ['.--'];     x = ['-..-'];     y = ['-.--'];     z = ['--..'];     period = ['.-.-.-'];     comma = ['--..--'];     question = ['..--..'];     slash_ = ['-..-.'];     n1 = ['.----'];     n2 = ['..---'];     n3 = ['...--'];     n4 = ['....-'];     n5 = ['.....'];       n6 = ['-....'];     n7 = ['--...'];     n8 = ['---..'];      n9 = ['----.'];     n0 = ['-----'];      text = upper(text);     vars ={'period','comma','question','slash_'};     morsecode=[];     i=1:length(text)         if isvarname(text(i))         morsecode = [morsecode;eval(text(i))];         elseif ismember(text(i),'.,?/')             x = findstr(text(i),'.,?/');             morsecode = [morsecode;eval(vars{x})];         elseif ~isempty(str2num(text(i)))             morsecode = [morsecode;eval(['n' text(i)])];         elseif text(i)==' '             morsecode = [' '];         end         morsecode = [morsecode;eval(text(i))];     end      code = morsecode;     if exist('file','var')         fprintf(code, '%c')     end 

despite terrible question, is nice project imo , got me thinking: how can text-to-morse conversion in elegant way. lead me inevitably following implementation (to op: take humble piece of code , learn it).

the nicest quirk imo in there one-liner cell2mat , arrayfun (split code on more lines intermediate variable if want debug every step).

text2morsefile.m :

function text2morsefile(txt,filename)     fid = fopen(filename,'w');     fprintf(fid,text2morse(txt));     fclose(fid); end function m = text2morse(str)     m=cell2mat(arrayfun(@char2morse,str,'uni',false)); end function m = char2morse(ch)     persistent morsemap;     if isempty(morsemap)         morsemap ={'   ','-.-.--', '.-..-.', nan, '...-..-', nan, '.-...', '.----.',...             '-.--.', '-.--.-', nan, '.-.-.', '--..--', '-....-', '.-.-.-', '-..-.',...             '-----', '.----', '..---', '...--', '....-', '.....', '-....', '--...',...             '---..', '----.', '---...', '-.-.-.', nan, '-...-', nan, '..--..',...             '.--.-.', '.-', '-...', '-.-.', '-..', '.', '..-.', '--.', '....', '..',...             '.---', '-.-', '.-..', '--', '-.', '---', '.--.', '--.-', '.-.', '...',...             '-', '..-', '...-', '.--', '-..-', '-.--', '--..', nan,nan,nan,nan,'..--.-'};         end     % specify char non-morse character:     missingmorse_symbol = '';     ch = double(upper(ch));     m = nan;     if ch>=32 && ch<=95         m = morsemap{ch-31};     end     if isnan(m)         m = missingmorse_symbol;     else         % might add space between characters?         m = [m ' '];     end end 


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