php - Json returns empty string between tags -

i new json , have problem why json_decode returns empty string between tags of < , > ... here json string

{     "clipboard":      {      "title": " mozilla firefox ",     "event": "<mouse+copy/paste>"      }  } 

the output json_decode through var_dump shows

    object(stdclass)#44 (1) { ["clipboard"]=> object(stdclass)#45 (2) { ["title"]=> string(17) " mozilla firefox " ["event"]=> string(18) "" } }  

why keeps removing data between "<" , ">" , checked on online json editor validate json string , shows value is. when use deocde_json "event" array element comes empty.

the string(18) in ["event"]=> string(18) "" gives clue.

look @ source of page. not displayed on website in source because interpreted html tag.
