- EF code first - map child class property to base class table -

i wonder if it's possible map child class property base class table. have 2 classes (shortened):

public abstract class user {     [key]     public int userid { get; set; }      public string username { get; set; }      // other properties... } 


public class customer : user {     public int shopid { get; set; }      public virtual shop shop { get; set; }      // other properties... } 

i'm using tpt (table per type) inheritance (that means 2 tables - user , customer). reasons have shopid property in user table, other properties customer class in customer table. possible?

having shopid column in user table allow example create unique index on username , shopid (the application multi-tenant don't want globally unique usernames, shop-level unique usernames).

is you're looking for?


public abstract class userbase {     public int userid { get; set; }     public string username { get; set; }     public int shopid { get; set; }     public virtual shop shop { get; set; } } 


public class user : userbase {     // user specific properties... } 


public class customer : userbase {     // customer specific properties... } 


public class userdbcontext : dbcontext {     ...      protected override onmodelcreating(dbmodelbuilder modelbuilder)     {         // if want users , customers shop specific         modelbuilder.entity<userbase>.haskey(x => new { x.userid, x.shopid });          // if want users shop specific uncomment below , remove above         //modelbuilder.entity<user>.haskey(x => new { x.userid, x.shopid });     } } 


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