cakephp - Calling a element after login -

i have post index view calling element content input field comment.

i call in way

<?php echo $this->element('addcomment', array('post_id' => $post['post']['id'])); ?> 

this work fine, pass post id parameter, in addcomment element, because post_id input field hidden in addcomment. , of course dont want user type post id.

i have set authorization mechanism in order allow adding comment user identified (connected).

when non-connected user try add comment, receives login screen.

after login, redirected add commment form. problem in mean time loose value of post_id variable.

rem: if user connected before adding comments post, works.

dont hesitate contact me in case explanation not clear or if need more information.

this addcomment element

<div class="addcomment form"> <?php  echo $this->form->create('comment', array(     'url' => array('controller' => 'comments', 'action' => 'add') )); ?>      <fieldset>         <legend><?php echo __('add comment'); ?></legend>       <?php if (isset($current_user['id']) && isset($post_id)): ?>              <?php   $this->request->data['comment']['user_id'] = $current_user['id']; ?>             <?php   $this->request->data['comment']['post_id'] = $post_id; ?>             <?php   echo $this->form->input('post_id', array('type' => 'hidden')); ?>             <?php   echo $this->form->input('user_id', array('type' => 'hidden'));   ?>     <?php else: echo $this->form->input('post_id');  ?>     <?php endif; ?>      <?php   echo $this->form->input('content', array('class' => 'comment'));   ?>       </fieldset> <?php echo $this->form->end(__('submit')); ?> </div> 

as per understand problem. can use session variable store post id should not affected if user logs in. , using session can redirect user particular post after login.

  1. set session value before redirecting user login.


  2. redirect user post if user logged in , if find session value not empty.

    if ($this->session->check('last_post_id') && $this->session->read('last_post_id') != '') { $this->redirect(your_url_to_post . '?postid=' . $this->session->read('last_post_id')); exit; }else{ //normal redirection }

hope you. unset session last_post_id after redirection , if no longer required.


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