ruby on rails - Render a new view upon json -

i trying build simple bit confused. have customer controller 2 actions, index , identification. views of these actions display image each. want able change index view identification view when ios app sends simple json request (it post, doesn"t matter want change view). customer_controller.rb is

def index     respond_to |format|         format.html # index.html.erb         format.json {render 'identification'}     end   end    def identification     @date ="%a, %d %b %y")     @time ="%h:%m %p")   end 

my routes.rb

get "customer/index"   post "customer/index"   "customer/identification" 

can point me right direction doing wrong? whenever ios app sends json nothing happens.

when call render 'identification' tells rails use 'identification' template, not call #identification method.


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