c# - DataGridView gives an error if a table field is binary type -

for reasons, need write own sqlquery tool. works.

enter image description here

but when select table contains binary type, gives me error i've shown below.

enter image description here

i used datagridview. code below.

        private void button1_click(object sender, eventargs e)     {         string sql = txtsql.text.trim().tostring();          try         {             gridresult.datasource = getdataset(sql).tables[0];          }         catch (sqlexception err)         {             messagebox.show("error : " + err.message + "-" + err.number);         }      }      public dataset getdataset(string sql)     {         sqlconnection conn = new sqlconnection(connstr);         sqldataadapter da = new sqldataadapter();         sqlcommand cmd = conn.createcommand();         cmd.commandtext = sql;         da.selectcommand = cmd;         dataset ds = new dataset();          conn.open();         da.fill(ds);         conn.close();          return ds;      } 

i wonder, there way prevent showing binary area or prevent giving error? should now? or have idea how can detect type of binary field when loading gridview programatically?


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