ios - Map View - Disclosure Button to a View -

i started programming recently, , have question! have created mapview annotation , disclosure button.

how can create multiple annotations disclosure button that, after tap, go different descriptions based on annotation choice?

this code:

@synthesize mapview;  -(void)viewdidload {          [super viewdidload];     [mapview setmaptype:mkmaptypehybrid];     [mapview setzoomenabled:yes];     [mapview setscrollenabled:yes];     [mapview setdelegate:self];      mkcoordinateregion bigben = { {0.0, 0.0} , {0.0, 0.0} }; = 51.50063; = -0.124629;     bigben.span.longitudedelta = 0.02f;     bigben.span.latitudedelta = 0.02f;     [mapview setregion:bigben animated:yes];      annotation *ann1 = [[annotation alloc] init];     ann1.title = @"big ben";     ann1.subtitle = @"your subtitle";     ann1.coordinate =;     [mapview addannotation: ann1];      mkcoordinateregion bridge = { {0.0, 0.0} , {0.0, 0.0} }; = 51.500809; = -0.120914;     bridge.span.longitudedelta = 0.02f;     bridge.span.latitudedelta = 0.02f;     [mapview setregion:bridge animated:yes];      annotation *ann2 = [[annotation alloc] init];     ann2.title = @"westminster bridge";     ann2.subtitle = @"your subtitle";     ann2.coordinate =;     [mapview addannotation:ann2];  }  -(mkannotationview *) mapview:(mkmapview *)mapview viewforannotation:(id<mkannotation>)annotation {     mkpinannotationview *mypin=[[mkpinannotationview alloc] initwithannotation:annotation reuseidentifier:@"current"];     mypin.pincolor = mkpinannotationcolorpurple;      uibutton *advertbutton = [uibutton buttonwithtype:uibuttontypedetaildisclosure];     [advertbutton addtarget:self action:@selector(button:) forcontrolevents:uicontroleventtouchupinside];      mypin.rightcalloutaccessoryview = advertbutton;     mypin.draggable = no;     mypin.highlighted = yes;     mypin.animatesdrop=true;     mypin.canshowcallout = yes;      return mypin; } 

the usual way implement -mapview:annotationview:calloutaccessorycontroltapped: in map view delegate. can use annotaionview parameter decide annotaion tapped , information want display.


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