jsf/primefaces load indicator during init of the bean -

in jsf/primefaces project, have lot of data loading in init (postconstruct) method of beans. that's why show gif indicator during bean load.

i tried primefaces , ajax status (programmatic version of showcase)


so added template of project

<p:dialog modal="true" widgetvar="loadwidget" header="status"     draggable="false" closable="false">      <p:graphicimage value="../images/ajaxload.gif" /> </p:dialog> 

i able call loadwidget.show(); @ beginning of init method of bean , loadwidget.hide(); @ end.

do have idea , how fire javascript display loading gif? thanks


i add tried this. here part of template include content of page. it's not working either p:dialog included before or after content.

<div class="content">     <script>loadwidget.show();</script>         <ui:insert name="body" />     <script>loadwidget.hide();</script> </div> 

the console says loadwidget not defined


i try explain how project works. helpful.

here template

<html ... >  <f:view contenttype="text/html">      <h:head> ... </head>      <h:body>         <ui:insert name="header" />         <ui:insert name="menu" />         <ui:insert name="body" />         <ui:insert name="footer" />         ... <!-- other things -->     </h:body> </f:view>    </html> 

then each page defines body. example of page.

<html ... >  <ui:composition template="mytemplateabove">      <ui:define name="body">              <h:outputtext value="#{beanofmyfirstpage.mytext}" />             <p:commandbutton action="#{beanofmyfirstpage.gotoanotherpage}" />             ...         </ui:define> </ui:composition>  </html> 

then each page linked bean extends basebean.

@managedbean(name = "beanofmyfirstpage") @viewscoped public class beanofmyfirstpage extends basebean {     // attributes + getters , setters      @postconstruct     public void init() {         super.init();         ... // actions take time cause of db requests example     }      public void gotoanotherpage() {         navigation.handlenavigation(facescontext.getcurrentinstance(), null, "mysecondpage");     }      // methods } 

and common bean

public class basebean {      @postconstruct     public void init() {         super.init();         // general actions beans     }  } 

i have solution!

it simple , there nothing primefaces or jsf bean construction process.

i added in template (that included every pages)

<div id="nonajaxload">     <img src="../images/ajaxload.gif"/> </div> 

then added css below move fixed bottom right of page

#nonajaxload {     width: 50px;     height: 50px;     position: fixed;     bottom: 30px;     right: 30px; } 

and make magical, added script

<script>     $(document).ready(function(){         $('#nonajaxload').hide();     });      $(window).bind('beforeunload', function() {         $('#nonajaxload').show();      }); </script> 

so when leave page, loading indicator shown , when other page loaded, it's hidden.

thanks helped @andy


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