windows - Two listeners on the same port? -

i surprised see netstat reporting 2 processes listening on same port:

c:\windows\system32>netstat -ao | find "8083"   tcp           ***qa-w2k8-05:0        listening       5532   tcp           ***qa-w2k8-05:0        listening       1572   tcp    [::]:8083              ***qa-w2k8-05:0        listening       5532   tcp    [::]:8083              ***qa-w2k8-05:0        listening       1572  c:\windows\system32>tasklist | find "5532" java.exe                      5532 rdp-tcp#0                  2  1,448,776 k  c:\windows\system32>tasklist | find "1572" frameworkservice.exe          1572 services                   0     11,016 k 

the java process web server, frameworkservice mcafee. http request not reach server assuming reaches mcafee. shouldn't 1 of them bind error/address in use or such error?

i running microsoft windows server 2008 r2 enterprise, 6.1.7600 n/a build 7600

generally correct. however, there options available allow sort of thing happen. may want @ so_reuseaddr , how affects behavior.

basically, if set so_reuseaddr process can bind socket. more details on (and so_exclusiveaddruse option) check out msdn page titled using so_reuseaddr , so_exclusiveaddruse.


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