- Typing comment notes within the GridView -

to comment out note in code behind, can this:

' vb comment /// c# comment 

in .aspx page, can use following:

 <!-- i'm commenting on .aspx page --> 

as long not within


this gives me error stating literal content not allowed:

        <asp:boundfield datafield="max_scheduled_pick" headertext="max_scheduled_pick" sortexpression="max_scheduled_pick" dataformatstring="{0:mmm dd yyyy}" headerstyle-cssclass="hidden" itemstyle-cssclass="hidden" readonly="true"/>         <!-- these order notes -->         <asp:boundfield datafield="txt_order_key" headertext="txt_order_key" sortexpression="txt_order_key" headerstyle-cssclass="hidden" itemstyle-cssclass="hidden" /> 

any suggestions on how add comments code documentation purposes?


try using asp comments:

<%-- --%> 


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