cmd - How do you execute .exe files as administrator or give a run as admin option within a batch file in command line -

i have medical program requires multiple programs within share server installed. made batch file grab programs 1 one , install them while adding share location in windows network removes network drive. need copy clipboard method how because there no automation in pasting directory images in 1 of install programs.
here have far....

keep in mind every program has run admin not admin cmd

@echo off      color 2      echo turn on uac turn off uac reboot press enter                pause      net use z: \\server01\mdcs\auto_update\_csinstaller       echo osdetect install     set path=\\server01\mdcs\auto_update\_csinstaller           start osdetect.exe     pause      echo osdetect install attempt 2     set path=\\server01\mdcs\auto_update\_csinstaller          start osdetect.exe     pause       echo copy directory press enter     echo      echo \\server01\oms\pwimage     pause      echo not restart after wsetup installs      echo wsetup install     set path=\\server01\oms\image\pwimage\wsetupdir     start wsetup.exe     pause      echo setup-3d-module install     set path=\\server01\oms\image\pwimage\wsetupdir\tools     start setup-3d-module.exe      pause      net use z: \delete 

use powershell or vbscript batch elevate privileges (via shellexecute).

note runas verb undocumented (not officially supported).

powershell method

powershell -command (new-object -com 'shell.application').shellexecute('program.exe', '', '', 'runas') 

vbscript method

set "vb=%temp%\admin.vbs" > "%vb%" echo set uac = createobject^("shell.application"^) >> "%vb%" echo uac.shellexecute "program.exe", "", "", "runas" if exist "%vb%" "%vb%" 


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