Django 'ascii' codec can't encode character -

in django want use simple template tag truncate data.

this have far:

@register.filter(name='truncate_simple') def truncate_char_to_space(value, arg):     """     truncates string after given length.     """     data = str(value)     if len(value) < arg:         return data      if data.find(' ', arg, arg+5) == -1:         return data[:arg] + '...'     else:         return data[:arg] + data[arg:data.find(' ', arg)] + '...' 

but when use following error:

{{ item.content|truncate_simple:5  }} 


'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u2013' in position 84: ordinal not in range(128)

error on line starting data = str(value)


try use unicode() convert value (instead of str()):

data = unicode(value) 


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