java - Spring AOP: Aspect not working on called method -

this first time aop might noob question.

public class myaspect implements aspecti {  public void method1() throws asyncapiexception {     system.out.println("in method1. calling method 2");     method2(); }  @retryoninvalidsessionid public void method2() throws asyncapiexception {     system.out.println("in method2, throwing exception");     throw new asyncapiexception("method2", asyncexceptioncode.invalidsessionid); }  public void login() {     system.out.println("logging"); } 

invalidsessionhandler looks this.

@aspect public class invalidsessionidhandler implements ordered {      @around("@annotation(com.pkg.retryoninvalidsessionid)")     public void reloginall(proceedingjoinpoint joinpoint) throws throwable {         system.out.println("hijacked call: " + joinpoint.getsignature().getname() + " proceeding");         try {             joinpoint.proceed();         } catch (throwable e) {             if (e instanceof asyncapiexception) {                 asyncapiexception ae = (asyncapiexception) e;                 if (ae.getexceptioncode() == asyncexceptioncode.invalidsessionid) {                     system.out.println("invalid session id. relogin");                     aspecti myaspect = (aspecti) joinpoint.gettarget();                     myaspect.login();                     system.out.println("login done. proceeding again now");                     joinpoint.proceed();                 }             }         }     }      @override     public int getorder() {         return 1;     } } 

spring configuration

<aop:aspectj-autoproxy /> <bean id="myaspect" class="com.pkg.myaspect" /> <bean id="invalidsessionidhandler" class="com.pkg.invalidsessionidhandler" />   
  1. my intent when call myaspect.method1() in turns calls method2, if method2 throws invalidsessionid exception, method2 should retried. above code not seem anything. returns after exception thrown method2. if put @retryoninvalidsessionid on method1 whole method1 retried.

  2. for learning kept method2 public in actual want private. out of clue here, how retry private method.

any suggestions helpful.


this not possible current setup. spring's aop features, class invalidsessionidhandler created bean , scanned annotations/method signatures/etc. relevant myaspect class. find method2() , therefore create proxy wrapping bean it's created. proxy have behavior advice.

spring inject (proxy) bean need it. example:

public class myclass {    @autowired    private myaspect aspect;     public void callmethod2() {        aspect.method2();    } } 

in case, myclass object has reference proxy. when calls aspect.method2(), added behavior executed.

in code, however, you're expecting call method2() within method1()

public void method1() throws asyncapiexception {     system.out.println("in method1. calling method 2");     method2(); } 

which within myaspect class. technically, happening here method2() getting called on this this.method2(). this reference actual object, not proxy. therefore not execute additional behavior.

the aop spring documentation explains in more detail.

the workaround here refactor method2() in class/object or call outside, ie. not method1().


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