Calculate price from two different table + using php and mysql -

i have 2 tables in database, 1 table has trip/user related information: such trip_id, username, leave_date, return_date, flight_estimate, registration_fee etc, , second table expense table trip_id fk, , expenses such hotelcost, bf,lunch each date... each trip_ip has more 1 record in table.

now, i'm trying create summary table total price using php user , when used following code, gives records of trip 1 date right, if has multiple dates, if creates 2 different records.. want 1 record (since i'm calculating grand total of particular trip)

if(isset($user)) {     $sql =            " select trip.trip_id new_tripid"         . "      , destination"         . "      , leave_date"         . "      , return_date"         . "      , date(last_updatedate) updateddate"         . "      , flight_estimate"         . "      , registration_fee"         . "      , hotel_cost"         . "      , breakfast_cost"         . "      , lunch_cost"         . "      , dinner_cost"         . "      , parking_cost"         . "      , taxi_cost"         . "      , rental_car_cost"         . "      , mileage"         . "      , fuel_cost"         . "      , other_cost"         . "   trip"         . "      , expense"         . "  trip.username='" . $user ."'"         . "    , trip.trip_id = expense.trip_id"     ;     $result = mysql_query($sql);      $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);      $o = '<table id="mytable1" border="1" style="border:1px solid orange; background-color: #f3f3f3;"><thead><tr><th>trip id</th><th>destination</th><th>leave date</th><th>return date</th><th>total</th><th>submit date</th><th>status</th></tr></thead><tbody>';  } else {     echo('not valid user'); }  if (!$result) {    die(mysql_error()); }  if ($num_rows<=0){     echo('not valid user'); } elseif ($num_rows>0) {      while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {         $grandtotoal = $row['flight_estimate'] + $row['registration_fee'] +                         $row['hotel_cost']+$row['breakfast_cost']+$row['lunch_cost']+                        $row['dinner_cost']+$row['parking_cost']+$row['taxi_cost']+                        $row['rental_car_cost'] +$row['mileage']+$row['fuel_cost']+$row['other_cost'];           $o .= '<tr><td align = "center" style="width:absolute; height:30px;">'.                $row['new_tripid'].'</td><td align = "center" style="width:absolute;height:30px;">'.                $row['destination'].                '</td><td align = "center" style="width:absolute height:30px;">'.                 $row['leave_date'].                 '</td><td align = "center" style="width:absolute; height:30px;">'.$row['return_date'].                 '</td><td align = "center" style="width:absolute; height:30px;">'.                 $grandtotoal.'</td><td align = "center" style="width:absolute; height:30px;">'.                 $row['updateddate'].'</td></tr>';     }     $o .= '</tbody></table>';      echo $o; } 

select trip.trip_id new_tripid,destination, leave_date, return_date,     date(last_updatedate) updateddate, flight_estimate , registration_fee,     sum(hotel_cost, breakfast_cost, lunch_cost, dinner_cost, parking_cost, taxi_cost,      rental_car_cost, mileage, fuel_cost, other_cost) total_cost trip, expense trip.username='$user' , trip.trip_id = expense.trip_id group trip.username 


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