android - PhoneGap 3 plugin: exec() call to unknown plugin "..." -

i've been trying upgrade plugin v3, , i've managed past plugin loading issues, , i've managed expose plugin client environment (making changes way exec works, etc).

but when watch adb logcat with

adb logcat | grep -v nativegetenabledtags | grep -i web

i error:

d/pluginmanager(11189): exec() call unknown plugin: websocket

i can't work out what's gone wrong, , i'm not sure why android build can't see plugin.

i've pushed code github repo, if able replicate , i'd welcome! i'm trying write experience of conversion , logging gotchas hit them (there's in readme, though it's incomplete):

here's repo:

– remy

define plugin in "res/xml/config.xml"

find these lines in file

<feature name="app">         <param name="android-package" value="" /> </feature> 

and append these right after:

<feature name="mypluginname">         <param name="android-package" value="com.phonegap.plugins.plugin.class" /> </feature> 

replace dummy names (mypluginname, plugins.plugin.class, etc) actual names. works me when getting error:

exec() call unknown plugin : mypluginname


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