mvc - MVC "Access is Denied" using IIS -

having serious trouble getting beyond "access denied" message:

error message 401.2: unauthorized: logon failed due server configuration. verify have permission view directory or page based on credentials supplied , authentication methods enabled on web server. contact web server's administrator additional assistance.

how got here

running under windows 7, professional. system using ad login system (name: system\login). created new mvc 3 application in vs2010 called xyz. made no changes code. set referenced files system.web.mvc , system.web.helpers copy local = true.

what attempted

  1. published xyz file system location "c:/websites/xyz".
  2. added "" hosts file ipa
  3. created new site in iis manager called "xyz" , set physical path path app published (c:/websites/xyz).
  4. bound xyz
  5. ensured application pool site runs .net 4.0, integrated.
  6. application pool identity set applicationpoolidentity.
  7. at physical location of published files, right-clicked folder , went properties->security , added iusr list of users, giving full control.
  8. mvc project has authentication mode set "none".
  9. authentication site has anonymous access enabled , else disabled.
  10. i have enabled directory browsing site.

after this, reset web site, refresh browser, , reset iis. still message when go have absolutely no idea should check next.

what need

can me this? have performed several google searches combinations of "mvc localhost access denied" , forth, , implemented suggestions found.


ok. found least application. changed authentication windows anonymous. then, removed .net authorization rule denied anonymous access. these 2 things enabled access application without annoying iis login popup accompanies windows authorization.

one thing failed notice before changes made web site reflected in web.config file @ published location, , not source.

unfortunately, every time published reset authentication. real reason had trouble. lesson learned. chagrined, am.

one other thing failed clear using iis 7.5.


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