importerror - how to understand dot notation in this Django blog app -

i learn book python web development django covers django 1.0 . on other hand, use django 1.5.1 , python 2.7.5 . stuck @ 'making blog's public side' session.

i open blog/ file , type following:

from django.template import loader, context django.http import httpresponse import blogpost  def archive(request):     posts = blogpost.objects.all()     t = loader.get_template('archive.html')     c = context({ 'posts': posts })     return httpresponse(t.render(c)) 

next step, edit mysite/ looks this:

url(r'^blog/', include('')), 

and last step, make new file, mysite/blog/, containing these lines:

from django.conf.urls.defaults import * import archive  urlpatterns = patterns('',     url(r'^$', archive), ) 

but, when try open, arised exception value: no module named blog.urls. after doing research, found problem little bit similar mine. so, based on exception value, edit mysite/

url(r'^blog/', include('blog.urls')), 

i refresh web browser, exception occurs : no module named @ mysite/blog/ file contains , edit it: from views import archive. refreshing browser.

and...i 'oh ok..' when saw no module named edit from import blogpost from models import blogpost. finally, blog appears in browser.

my questions :

  1. what technical explanation i've done , exceptions occur? i'm guessing edit other 2 files (the first 1 because see solution research). example, difference between url(r'^blog/', include('blog.urls')), , url(r'^blog/', include('')), ? in beginner opinion, both true (even in first time, last 1 more 'complete')

  2. are these problems related django version use (1.5.1), book use django 1.0?

sorry long post want understand these stuff in detail. thanks!


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