c# - DevExpress Updating on Gridview with combobox column -

  <dx:aspxgridview id="grid" clientinstancename="grid" runat="server"           keyfieldname="projectid" width="100%"          enablerowscache="false"  onrowupdating="grid_rowupdating" autogeneratecolumns="false" oncelleditorinitialize="grid_celleditorinitialize">         <settings showgrouppanel="true" />         <settingsediting mode="inline" />         <columns>             <dx:gridviewcommandcolumn visibleindex="0">                 <editbutton visible="true" />             </dx:gridviewcommandcolumn>             <dx:gridviewdatatextcolumn fieldname="projectid" readonly="true" visibleindex="0"/>              <dx:gridviewdatacolumn fieldname="projectname" visibleindex="1" />             <dx:gridviewdatacolumn fieldname="projectinfo" visibleindex="2" />             <dx:gridviewdatacomboboxcolumn   caption="project manager"  fieldname="userid" visibleindex="3">                <propertiescombobox   textfield="domainname" valuefield="userid">                 </propertiescombobox>             </dx:gridviewdatacomboboxcolumn>                  </columns>     </dx:aspxgridview> 

i have aspx file above display data joined tables user , project . user has fields userid , domainname , project has projectmanagerid(fk on userid) projectinfo , projectname how populate data

protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e) {     if (!this.ispostback)     {         //entity framework query project.include("user").tolist();         grid.datasource = bus.operations.entityoperations.projectoperations.selectallprojects();         grid.databind();     } } //upon edit comboboxes populated protected void grid_celleditorinitialize(object sender, aspxgridvieweditoreventargs e) {     if (!grid.isediting || e.column.fieldname != "user.domainname") return;     if (e.keyvalue == dbnull.value || e.keyvalue == null) return;     object val = grid.getrowvaluesbykeyvalue(e.keyvalue, "projectid");     if (val == dbnull.value) return;     int country = (int)val;     aspxcombobox combo = e.editor aspxcombobox;     fillcitycombo(combo);     combo.callback += new callbackeventhandlerbase(cmbcity_oncallback); }     protected void fillcitycombo(aspxcombobox cmb)     {         cmb.datasource= bus.operations.entityoperations.useroperations.selectallprojectmanagers();              cmb.databinditems();     } 

and these callback , rowupdating functions

void cmbcity_oncallback(object source, callbackeventargsbase e) {     fillcitycombo(source aspxcombobox); } protected void grid_rowupdating(object sender, devexpress.web.data.aspxdataupdatingeventargs e) {      aspxgridview gridview = (aspxgridview)sender;     int projectid = (int)e.keys[gridview.keyfieldname];     p p = new p();     p.projectname = e.newvalues["projectname"].tostring();     p.projectinfo = e.newvalues["projectinfo"].tostring();     p.projectid = projectid;      //user.domainname should inputted int convertable string       p.projectmanagerid = int32.parse(((string)e.newvalues["user.domainname"]));     bus.operations.entityoperations.projectoperations.updateproject(p);     gridview.canceledit();     e.cancel = true; } 

now there 2 main problems.

  1. first , minor 1 after selecting project manager combobox , click updating don't see change in web view although database changed , effect can seen after page refresh.

  2. second , major if dont touch combobox , change other fields project name , click update string on rowupdate method cannot converted int. if select combobox , update int userid coming expected.

this 1 of first trials on devexpress , code has lot of mistakes , unnecessary complexity. need better , working code
