css - How to put #foo:media(min-available-width:350px and max-available-width:750px) into SCSS -
i'm using element query project allows use @media queries
@ element. it's how it's handled:
#foo:media(min-available-width:350px , max-available-width:750px) { background:red; }
but such syntax generates error (no wonder):
(line 1: invalid css after "...available-width": expected ")", ":350px , max-...")
the problem :
, space
how make possible put own syntax scss files? or how tell preprocessor parts of code should left are? or @ least, how make particular piece of code work?
other cases:
#foo:media(min-available-width:350px) { background:red; } #foo:media(max-available-width:750px) { background:red; } #foo .bar:media(min-available-width:350px) { background:red; }
don't use element query.
you can achieve same result valid css , basic sass:
#foo { @media (min-width:350px) { background:red; } }
this results in following css:
@media (min-width: 350px) { #foo { background: red; } }
so there's absolutely no need use messy approach of element query.
ps have @ breakpoint , breakpoint slicer better media query manipulation.
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