image - Issues with PhotoUrl -

i'm trying edit tumblr layout able see image @ full height/width scaled down. far understand can done max-width/max-height being set 100% while still staying inside it's original container.

my problem every time try change settings under photourl other pre-prescribed -500, -250, etc. entire image goes blank.

this coding:

{block:photo} <center>{block:indexpage}{linkopentag}<a href="{permalink}"> <table width="500" height="200" "border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td background="{photourl-500}" style="background-position:center center;">&nbsp;</td> </tr> </table> </a>{linkclosetag} {/block:indexpage} 

thank can help!

this should use high res image:


also, you're going run problems {linkopentag} , {permalink} link. should remove 1 or other. {linkopentag} render anchor tag, in case you'll end this:

<a href="/link/here"><a href="/link/here"><!-- photo stuff --></a></a> 


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