- Editable gridview based on list -

is possible create gridview based on list? have following list:

id = 1 name = john zip = 33141 id = 2 name = tim zip = 33139 

i want able create editable gridview list

when bind grid view, seems put everyting in 1 column, , can't figure out how seperate different columns

here code setting datasource of gridview:

datatable table = convertlisttodatatable(personlist);  gridview1.datasource = table;  gridview1.databind();   static datatable convertlisttodatatable(list<string> list)  {      // new table.      datatable table = new datatable();       // max columns.      int columns = 7;       // add columns.      (int = 0; < columns; i++)      {          table.columns.add();      }       // add rows.      foreach (var rd in list)      {          table.rows.add(rd);      }       return table;  } 

here example:

    private class person     {         int m_iid;         string m_sname;         string m_szip;          public int id { { return m_iid; } }         public string name { { return m_sname; } }         public string zip { { return m_szip; } }          public person(int iid, string sname, string szip)         {             m_iid = iid;             m_sname = sname;             m_szip = szip;         }     }      private list<person> m_people;      private void convertlisttodatatable(list<person> people)     {         datatable table = new datatable();          datacolumn col1 = new datacolumn("id");         datacolumn col2 = new datacolumn("name");         datacolumn col3 = new datacolumn("zip");          col1.datatype = system.type.gettype("system.string");         col2.datatype = system.type.gettype("system.string");         col3.datatype = system.type.gettype("system.string");          table.columns.add(col1);         table.columns.add(col2);         table.columns.add(col3);           foreach (person person in people)         {             datarow row = table.newrow();             row[col1] =;             row[col2] =;             row[col3] =;              table.rows.add(row);         }                      gridview1.datasource = table;         gridview1.databind();     } 


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