fortran - having error on the READ statement below. Any help why or what should I do? -

i getting error message, error 90 file access , properties incompatible. piece of code gives me error following:

  parameter (npt=250, npr=9)   implicit  real*8 (a-h,o-z)   character*255 arqdat   dimension z(npt,npt,npr)    common/cprop/ tmin,tmax,dt,pmin,pmax,dp,vmin,vmax,dx,dx2,dy,dy2,z   real*4 rgas         !*     read matrix   open(unit=10,file=arqdat,form='unformatted', access='direct',recl=1)   read(10) z !this statement giving error arqdat binary file   close(unit=10)    

you opened file access='direct' doing sequential read on - not allowed. when people access='direct',recl='1' want read byte @ time, have combine rec= value in read statement. in modern fortran there other, better ways (such access='stream').

what compiler using , on operating system?


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