objective c - GPUImage memory usage -
i noticed more use gpuimage, more memory app takes on time (using instruments monitor memory use).
as example, use each filter in different methods:
(uiimage*)toonfilter:(uiimage*)theimage { gpuimagesmoothtoonfilter *smoothtoonfilter = [[gpuimagesmoothtoonfilter alloc] init]; [smoothtoonfilter settexelheight:0.0025]; [smoothtoonfilter settexelwidth:0.0025]; return [smoothtoonfilter imagebyfilteringimage:theimage]; } (uiimage*)sketchfilter:(uiimage*)theimage { gpuimagesketchfilter *sketchfilter = [[gpuimagesketchfilter alloc] init]; [sketchfilter settexelheight:0.003]; [sketchfilter settexelwidth:0.003]; return [sketchfilter imagebyfilteringimage:theimage]; } (uiimage*)pixellatefilter:(uiimage*)theimage { gpuimagepixellatefilter *pixellatefilter = [[gpuimagepixellatefilter alloc] init]; [pixellatefilter setfractionalwidthofapixel:0.01; return [pixellatefilter imagebyfilteringimage:theimage]; }
and how use these filters (testimage uiimage):
testimage = [self sketchfilter:testimage]; testimage = [self pixellatefilter:testimage];
if cycle through these filters on , over, without doing else, app takes more , more memory.
what doing wrong? how can release memory once don't need anymore?
you keep allocating new filters every time call these functions. create them once in view controller etc , send them functions sample code below (as gpuimagepicture). don't forget call [removealltargets] on filters, not removed memory when have targets
(uiimage*)pixellatefilter:(uiimage*)theimage withpixellatefilter:(gpuimagepixellatefilter *) pixellatefilter andstaticpicture:(gpuimagepicture *)staticpicture
and use [filter prepareforimagecapture] before getting uiimage filters
for example can build function like
(uiimage*)pixellatefilter:(uiimage*)theimage withpixellatefilter:(gpuimagepixellatefilter *) pixellatefilter andstaticpicture:(gpuimagepicture *)staticpicture{ [staticpicture removealltargets]; uiimage __block *imagetoreturn; [staticpicture addtarget:pixellatefilter]; [staticpicture processimagewithcompletionhandler:^{ [pixellatefilter prepareforimagecapture]; imagetoreturn = [pixellatefilter imagefromcurrentlyprocessedoutput]; [pixellatefilter removealltargets]; pixellatefilter = nil; }]; return imagetoreturn; }
i use gpuimageview application allows use gpuimagefilters , gpuimagepictures directly without getting uiimage, should consider
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