vba - Is there a way to simply write data to a file using visual basic -

i'm designing application using visual basic , xaml, , wondering if there "easy" way read/write data file. application going need remember few variables (preferably stored in array) on start up.

from microsoft:

sub openexample()    dim sfirst, slast, saddress, scity, sstate, szip string    '' create data file    '' open file input.    open "datafile.txt" output #1    '' write data file.    write #1, "john", "doe", "an address", "a city", "a state", "a zip"    '' close file.    close #1    '' retrieve data file    '' open file input.    open "datafile.txt" input #1    '' loop until end of file reached.    while not eof(1)       '' read data variables.       input #1, sfirst,slast,saddress,scity,sstate,szip       '' print data debug window.       debug.print sfirst,slast,saddress,scity,sstate,szip    loop    '' close file.    close #1 end sub 

from http://support.microsoft.com/kb/209231

found using google search term "microsoft vba open output".


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