Add multiple points of interest on Google Map -

i have nice script allows me have 1 point of interest on google map, need more poi (+- 15)

could me adapt script enable multiple locations easily? frankly don't see yet have (as newbie in code) i'm willing switch other code style has been added code. = function(){ if($('.map').length > 0) {      $('.map').each(function(i,e){          $map = $(e);         $map_id = $map.attr('id');         $map_lat = $map.attr('data-maplat');         $map_lon = $map.attr('data-maplon');         $map_zoom = parseint($map.attr('data-mapzoom'));         $map_title = $map.attr('data-maptitle');            var latlng = new google.maps.latlng($map_lat, $map_lon);                     var options = {              scrollwheel: false,             draggable: false,              zoomcontrol: false,             disabledoubleclickzoom: false,             disabledefaultui: true,             zoom: $map_zoom,             center: latlng,             maptypeid: google.maps.maptypeid.roadmap         };          var styles = [                          {                           stylers: [                             { hue: "#78dd3e" },                             { saturation: -100 }                           ]                         }, {                             featuretype: "road",                             elementtype: "geometry",                             stylers: [                                 { lightness: 100 },                                 { visibility: "simplified" }                           ]                         }, {                             featuretype: "road",                             elementtype: "labels",                             stylers: [                                 { visibility: "off" }                           ]                         }                     ];          var styledmap = new google.maps.styledmaptype(styles,{name: "styled map"});          var map = new$map_id), options);          var image = '_include/img/marker.png';         var marker = new google.maps.marker({             position: latlng,             map: map,             title: $map_title,             icon: image         });          map.maptypes.set('map_style', styledmap);         map.setmaptypeid('map_style');          var contentstring = '<p><strong>light falls</strong><br></p>';          var infowindow = new google.maps.infowindow({             content: contentstring         });          google.maps.event.addlistener(marker, 'click', function() {   ,marker);         });      }); }    } 



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