android - Eclipse import project cvs shows accents with question marks -

i've import project svn (assembla) in eclipse kepler. when project imported, accented characters found in code, appear question mark. i've changed workspace text encoding utf-8 , imported project again, quiestion marks still there. i'm running eclipse on mac. in windows, importation works well.

ok on os x - might getting hit specific file encoding, there magic comments @ top of file or file set encoding. can alter file encoding on mac os x so:

iconv -f iso-8859-1 -t utf-8 file.txt > file.txt.utf8

and bunch of files:

find /path/to/workspace -name \*.txt -type f | \   (while read file;   iconv -f iso-8859-1 -t utf-8 "$file" > "${file%.txt}.utf8";   done); 

this convert txt files, change *.txt different file types.


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