Android Prevent Bluetooth Pairing Dialog -

i'm developing internal application uses bluetooth printing. want bluetooth pairing occur without user input. have managed working trapping android.bluetooth.device.action.pairing_request broadcast.

in broadcast receiver call setpin method, , pairing works ok, bluetoothpairingdialog displayed second or two, disappears - see link below.

since broadcast non-ordered, can't call abortbroadcast(), , wondering if there other way prevent pairing dialog appearing. can hook window manager in way?

i haven't been able come way without modifying sdk. if you're oem, it's easy (i'm on 4.3):

in packages/apps/settings/androidmanifest.xml, comment intent filter pairing dialog:

<activity android:name=".bluetooth.bluetoothpairingdialog"           android:label="@string/bluetooth_pairing_request"           android:excludefromrecents="true"           android:theme="@*android:style/theme.holo.dialog.alert">     <!-- <intent-filter>         <action android:name="android.bluetooth.device.action.pairing_request" />         <category android:name="android.intent.category.default" />     </intent-filter> --> </activity> 

in frameworks/base/core/java/android/bluetooth/ remove @hide javadoc annotation constant

@sdkconstant(sdkconstanttype.broadcast_intent_action) public static final string action_pairing_request =         "android.bluetooth.device.action.pairing_request"; 

and method

public boolean setpairingconfirmation(boolean confirm)  

then register own activity or broadcast receiver bluetoothdevice.pairing_request action. broadcast receiver allows pairing continue without user input (only if no pin required):

@override public void onreceive(context context, intent intent) {        if( intent.getaction().equals(bluetoothdevice.action_pairing_request) ) {       bluetoothdevice device = intent.getparcelableextra(bluetoothdevice.extra_device);       device.setpairingconfirmation( true );    } } 

you'll need rebuild sdk , compile code against new version access constant , methods, , replace settings.apk on /system partition disable dialog. may possibly need running system app think not.


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