HTML5 canvas: single stroke around combined regions -

html5 canvas: i'm looking way draw single stroke around combined path.

for example if have 2 overlapping circles don't want have 2 overlapping circle strokes, 1 single stroke around combined region of both circles..

any chance that?

it can done using globalcompositeoperation. there various ways can draw shapes them selves here 1 approach results in (for 2 rectangle circles in demo):

enter image description here

  • step 1: setup normal canvas
  • step 2: setup off-screen canvas

update not sure how miss obvious, can of course stroke circles first, punch whole composite mode , fill - faster (i guess had images on mind when came offset redraw).

the reason off-screen canvas if have in background on main canvas. deleted otherwise punch hole. if nothing there there no problem drawing single canvas - updated code:

/// regions var rect = [ [20, 20, 200, 200], [100, 100, 200,200] ],  /// ox = off-screen context ox.strokestyle = '#fff'; ox.linewidth = 3 * 2; /// x2 half gone when punch hole  /// stroke outlines for(; r = rect[i]; i++) {     o = r[2] * 0.5;     ox.beginpath();     ox.arc(r[0] + o, r[1] + o, o, 0, 2 * math.pi);     ox.stroke(); }  /// punch hole composite mode , fill ox.globalcompositeoperation = 'destination-out';     for(i = 0; r = rect[i]; i++) {     o = r[2] * 0.5;     ox.beginpath();     ox.arc(r[0] + o, r[1] + o, o, 0, 2 * math.pi);     ox.fill(); }  /// draw result main canvas /// ctx = main context, ocanvas = off-screen canvas ctx.drawimage(ocanvas, 0, 0); 

(animated) online demo using optimized version

i'll leave old code can used images can't stroked -

now draw shapes filled off-screen canvas. draw in color want outline in.

/// regions var rect = [ [20, 20, 200, 200], [100, 100, 200,200] ],  /// ox = off-screen canvas ox.fillstyle = '#fff';  /// draw array circes for(; r = rect[i]; i++) {     var o = r[2] * 0.5;     ox.beginpath(); //use here - arcs buggy     ox.arc(r[0] + o, r[1] + o, o, 0, 2 * math.pi);     ox.fill(); //.. , here } 

now draw cached image of shapes main canvas. shapes must drawn slight offset in each direction - step create outline:

/// ctx = main context, ocanvas = off-screen canvas ctx.drawimage(ocanvas, -1, -1); ctx.drawimage(ocanvas, 1, -1); ctx.drawimage(ocanvas, 1, -1); ctx.drawimage(ocanvas, 1, 1); ctx.drawimage(ocanvas, -1, 1); ctx.drawimage(ocanvas, 1, 1); ctx.drawimage(ocanvas, -1, -1); ctx.drawimage(ocanvas, -1, 1); 

and punch "hole" in filled shape make transparent outline using globalcompositeoperation + final draw in 0 offset position :

ctx.globalcompositeoperation = 'destination-out'; ctx.drawimage(ocanvas, 0, 0); 

online demo

to make border thicker increase offset when draw shapes main canvas.


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