Xpath rules - contains() not returning what I'd like -

so far have following xpath set pull word 'gallery' href returns entire url instead of word gallery. explain i'm doing wrong please? you, it's appreciated!

$x("//link[@rel='canonical' , contains(@href,'gallery')]") 

your current xpath expression,

$x("//link[@rel='canonical' , contains(@href,'gallery')]") 

returns sequence of <link> elements. depending on way evaluate them, might getting text content.

if want word 'gallery', in xpath 2.0 can say

$x("//link[@rel='canonical' , contains(@href,'gallery')]/'gallery'") 

which return sequence of strings, 1 'gallery' each <link> element fulfills predicate.


$x("if (exists(//link[@rel='canonical' , contains(@href,'gallery')]))        'gallery' else null") 

which return either 'gallery' (once), or null.


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