php - Highcharts - dual-axes column chart not rendering the way it was a week ago -
i have created duel-axes column chart, columns side side, , working great until yesterday.
yesterday, started rendering stacked column graph instead of columns showing side side. after checking highcharts examples on website, realized theirs rendering way now.
any thoughts on how columns side side again?
here image of see in ff , chrome:
here js (
$('#container').highcharts({ chart: { zoomtype: 'xy' }, title: { text: 'average monthly temperature , rainfall in tokyo' }, subtitle: { text: 'source:' }, xaxis: [{ categories: ['jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec'] }], yaxis: [{ // primary yaxis labels: { format: '{value}°c', style: { color: '#89a54e' } }, title: { text: 'temperature', style: { color: '#89a54e' } } }, { // secondary yaxis title: { text: 'rainfall', style: { color: '#4572a7' } }, labels: { format: '{value} mm', style: { color: '#4572a7' } }, opposite: true }], tooltip: { shared: true }, legend: { layout: 'vertical', align: 'left', x: 120, verticalalign: 'top', y: 100, floating: true, backgroundcolor: '#ffffff' }, series: [{ name: 'rainfall', color: '#4572a7', type: 'column', yaxis: 1, data: [49.9, 71.5, 106.4, 129.2, 144.0, 176.0, 135.6, 148.5, 216.4, 194.1, 95.6, 54.4], tooltip: { valuesuffix: ' mm' } }, { name: 'temperature', color: '#89a54e', type: 'column', data: [7.0, 6.9, 9.5, 14.5, 18.2, 21.5, 25.2, 26.5, 23.3, 18.3, 13.9, 9.6], tooltip: { valuesuffix: '°c' } }] }); });
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