ruby - rails, how to combine two ActiveRecord query results -

i have following association

class location < activerecord::base    has_many :items end  class item < activerecord::base    belongs_to :location end 

suppose have instances of location, query items belong locations. managed result array

items =[] location.near(latitude,longitude,distance).find_each |location|       location.items.find_each |item|            items << item       end end  

however, there way can results activerecord::relation. because want further query results using "where" activerecord::relation.

p.s. "near" method geocoder gem, returns activerecord::relation.


thank replies find solution

locations = location.near(latitude,longitude,distance) item.where(location_id: locations.pluck(:id)) 

is right way it? me bit unintuitive.

----------------------edit again ---------------------------

just small comment: unintuitive because switching datamapper. if datamapper, quite simple, like


it make queries through associations. compared datamapper, can not understand why activerecord association useless?

edit use 1 query mapping...

what billy said above, option might faster:

locations = location.near(1, 2, 3) items = item.where(:location_id => 


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