c - Single list printing error -

this how program doesn't print full list node's data entered last.i couldn't understand problem in linking or not :

basic structure of node

    struct node     {         int data;         struct node *link;     }; 

defining header start of link list :

    struct node *header; 

functions insert , print :

    void insertfront_sl();     void print_sl(); 

the main function :

    void main()     {     clrscr();     header=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));     header->link=null;     header->data=null;     insertfront_sl();     insertfront_sl();     insertfront_sl();     insertfront_sl();     print_sl();     getch();     }       void insertfront_sl(){     struct node *temp;     int x;     temp=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));     if(temp==null)     {     printf("\nmem0ry insufficient ..");     }     else     {         printf("\ngot new node \nnow insert data node : ");     scanf("%d",&x);       temp->data=x;     header->link=temp;       }      }      void print_sl(){     struct node *ptr;     ptr=header;     while(ptr->link !=null)     {         ptr=ptr->link;         printf("%d\t",ptr->data);     }       } 

each time create new node losing reference nodes created previously. after add new node:


you need set head of list new node:

header = temp; 

you should keep node reference base of list (the first node), , use base starting point printing list.


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