java - Problems building latest axis2 with maven -

i checked out latest version of axis2 , installed newest maven.

after execution of mvn install got following. please me, doing wrong?

[info] scanning projects... [warning]  [warning] problems encountered while building effective model org.apache.axis2:axis2-transport-http:bundle:1.7.0-snapshot [warning] 'dependencies.dependency.(groupid:artifactid:type:classifier)' must unique: org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:jar -> duplicate declaration of version (?) @ line 116, column 21 [warning]  [warning] highly recommended fix these problems because threaten stability of build. [warning]  [warning] reason, future maven versions might no longer support building such malformed projects. [warning]  [info] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [info] reactor build order: [info]  [info] apache axis2 - parent [info] apache axis2 - resource bundle [info] apache axis2 - kernel [info] apache axis2 - data binding [info] apache axis2 - transport - local [info] apache axis2 - addressing [info] apache axis2 - transport - base [info] apache axis2 - transport - testkit [info] apache axis2 - transport - http [info] apache axis2 - code generation [info] apache axis2 - adb codegen [info] apache axis2 - java2wsdl [info] apache axis2 - tool - repository maven plugin [info] apache axis2 - fast infoset [info] apache axis2 - clustering [info] apache axis2 - scripting [info] apache axis2 - saaj [info] apache axis2 - metadata [info] apache axis2 - jaxws [info] apache axis2 - test utilities [info] apache axis2 - xmlbeans data binding [info] apache axis2 - tool - wsdl2code maven plugin [info] apache axis2 - jaxws integration tests [info] apache axis2 - mtom policy [info] apache axis2 - spring [info] apache axis2 - osgi integration [info] apache axis2 - integration [info] apache axis2 - jibx data binding [info] apache axis2 - json [info] apache axis2 - mex [info] apache axis2 - mtom policy module [info] apache axis2 - ping [info] apache axis2 - version service [info] apache axis2 - soap monitor servlet [info] apache axis2 - soap monitor module [info] apache axis2 - tool - aar maven plugin [info] apache axis2 - tool - ant plugin [info] apache axis2 - tool - eclipse codegen plugin [info] apache axis2 - tool - eclipse service plugin [info] apache axis2 - tool - intellij idea plugin [info] apache axis2 - tool - java2wsdl maven plugin [info] apache axis2 - tool - mar maven plugin [info] apache axis2 simple http server maven plugin [info] axis2 quickstart archetype [info] axis2 quickstart-web archetype [info] apache axis2 - jaxb-ri data binding [info] apache axis2 - corba [info] apache axis2 - jaxws (mar) [info] apache axis2 - web application module [info] apache axis2 - transport - jms [info] apache axis2 - transport - mail [info] apache axis2 - transport - tcp [info] apache axis2 - transport - udp [info] apache axis2 - transport - xmpp [info] apache axis2 - root [info]                                                                          [info] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [info] building apache axis2 - parent 1.7.0-snapshot [info] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [info]  [info] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.1:enforce (default) @ axis2-parent --- [info]  [info] --- maven-remote-resources-plugin:1.1:process (default) @ axis2-parent --- [info] setting property: classpath.resource.loader.class => 'org.codehaus.plexus.velocity.contextclassloaderresourceloader'. [info] setting property: velocimacro.messages.on => 'false'. [info] setting property: resource.loader => 'classpath'. [info] setting property: resource.manager.logwhenfound => 'false'. [info]  [info] --- maven-install-plugin:2.2:install (default-install) @ axis2-parent --- [info] installing c:\axis2\modules\parent\pom.xml c:\users\serge\.m2\repository\org\apache\axis2\axis2-parent\1.7.0-snapshot\axis2-parent-1.7.0-snapshot.pom [info]                                                                          [info] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [info] building apache axis2 - resource bundle 1.7.0-snapshot [info] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [info]  [info] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.1:enforce (default) @ axis2-resource-bundle --- [info]  [info] --- maven-remote-resources-plugin:1.1:bundle (default) @ axis2-resource-bundle --- [info]  [info] --- maven-remote-resources-plugin:1.1:process (default) @ axis2-resource-bundle --- [info]  [info] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.4.2:resources (default-resources) @ axis2-resource-bundle --- [info] using 'utf-8' encoding copy filtered resources. [info] copying 2 resources [info] copying 3 resources [info]  [info] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.1:compile (default-compile) @ axis2-resource-bundle --- [info] no sources compile [info]  [info] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.4.2:testresources (default-testresources) @ axis2-resource-bundle --- [info] using 'utf-8' encoding copy filtered resources. [info] skip non existing resourcedirectory c:\axis2\modules\resource-bundle\src\test\resources [info] copying 3 resources [info]  [info] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.1:testcompile (default-testcompile) @ axis2-resource-bundle --- [info] no sources compile [info]  [info] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.13:test (default-test) @ axis2-resource-bundle --- [info]  [info] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.2:jar (default-jar) @ axis2-resource-bundle --- [info] building jar: c:\axis2\modules\resource-bundle\target\axis2-resource-bundle-1.7.0-snapshot.jar [info]  [info] --- maven-install-plugin:2.2:install (default-install) @ axis2-resource-bundle --- [info] installing c:\axis2\modules\resource-bundle\target\axis2-resource-bundle-1.7.0-snapshot.jar c:\users\serge\.m2\repository\org\apache\axis2\axis2-resource-bundle\1.7.0-snapshot\axis2-resource-bundle-1.7.0-snapshot.jar [info] installing c:\axis2\modules\resource-bundle\pom.xml c:\users\serge\.m2\repository\org\apache\axis2\axis2-resource-bundle\1.7.0-snapshot\axis2-resource-bundle-1.7.0-snapshot.pom [info]                                                                          [info] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [info] building apache axis2 - kernel 1.7.0-snapshot [info] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [info]  [info] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.1:enforce (default) @ axis2-kernel --- [info]  [info] --- maven-remote-resources-plugin:1.1:process (default) @ axis2-kernel --- [info]  [info] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.4.2:resources (default-resources) @ axis2-kernel --- [info] using 'utf-8' encoding copy filtered resources. [info] copying 1 resource [info] copying 3 resources [info] copying 2 resources [info]  [info] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.2:run (process-resources) @ axis2-kernel --- [info] executing tasks      [copy] copying 1 file c:\axis2\modules\kernel\target\classes\org\apache\axis2\i18n [info] executed tasks [info]  [info] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.1:compile (default-compile) @ axis2-kernel --- [info] compiling 349 source files c:\axis2\modules\kernel\target\classes [info] ------------------------------------------------------------- [error] compilation error :  [info] ------------------------------------------------------------- [error] \axis2\modules\kernel\src\org\apache\axis2\builder\[30,26] error: package javax.mail.internet not exist  [error] \axis2\modules\kernel\src\org\apache\axis2\builder\[31,26] error: package javax.mail.internet not exist  [error] \axis2\modules\kernel\src\org\apache\axis2\builder\[63,62] error: package javax.mail.util not exist  [error] \axis2\modules\kernel\src\org\apache\axis2\builder\[42,8] error: cannot find symbol  [error] \axis2\modules\kernel\src\org\apache\axis2\builder\[44,21] error: cannot find symbol  [error] \axis2\modules\kernel\src\org\apache\axis2\builder\[45,17] error: cannot find symbol  [error] \axis2\modules\kernel\src\org\apache\axis2\builder\[60,22] error: no suitable method found createomelement(datasourcebuilder.bytearraydatasourceex,string,omnamespace)  [error] \axis2\modules\kernel\src\org\apache\axis2\builder\[80,24] error: cannot find symbol  [info] 8 errors  [info] ------------------------------------------------------------- [info] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [info] reactor summary: [info]  [info] apache axis2 - parent ............................. success [0.437s] [info] apache axis2 - resource bundle .................... success [0.328s] [info] apache axis2 - kernel ............................. failure [2.948s] [info] apache axis2 - data binding ....................... skipped [info] apache axis2 - transport - local .................. skipped [info] apache axis2 - addressing ......................... skipped [info] apache axis2 - transport - base ................... skipped [info] apache axis2 - transport - testkit ................ skipped [info] apache axis2 - transport - http ................... skipped [info] apache axis2 - code generation .................... skipped [info] apache axis2 - adb codegen ........................ skipped [info] apache axis2 - java2wsdl .......................... skipped [info] apache axis2 - tool - repository maven plugin ..... skipped [info] apache axis2 - fast infoset ....................... skipped [info] apache axis2 - clustering ......................... skipped [info] apache axis2 - scripting .......................... skipped [info] apache axis2 - saaj ............................... skipped [info] apache axis2 - metadata ........................... skipped [info] apache axis2 - jaxws .............................. skipped [info] apache axis2 - test utilities ..................... skipped [info] apache axis2 - xmlbeans data binding .............. skipped [info] apache axis2 - tool - wsdl2code maven plugin ...... skipped [info] apache axis2 - jaxws integration tests ............ skipped [info] apache axis2 - mtom policy ........................ skipped [info] apache axis2 - spring ............................. skipped [info] apache axis2 - osgi integration ................... skipped [info] apache axis2 - integration ........................ skipped [info] apache axis2 - jibx data binding .................. skipped [info] apache axis2 - json ............................... skipped [info] apache axis2 - mex ................................ skipped [info] apache axis2 - mtom policy module ................. skipped [info] apache axis2 - ping ............................... skipped [info] apache axis2 - version service .................... skipped [info] apache axis2 - soap monitor servlet ............... skipped [info] apache axis2 - soap monitor module ................ skipped [info] apache axis2 - tool - aar maven plugin ............ skipped [info] apache axis2 - tool - ant plugin .................. skipped [info] apache axis2 - tool - eclipse codegen plugin ...... skipped [info] apache axis2 - tool - eclipse service plugin ...... skipped [info] apache axis2 - tool - intellij idea plugin ........ skipped [info] apache axis2 - tool - java2wsdl maven plugin ...... skipped [info] apache axis2 - tool - mar maven plugin ............ skipped [info] apache axis2 simple http server maven plugin ...... skipped [info] axis2 quickstart archetype ........................ skipped [info] axis2 quickstart-web archetype .................... skipped [info] apache axis2 - jaxb-ri data binding ............... skipped [info] apache axis2 - corba .............................. skipped [info] apache axis2 - jaxws (mar) ........................ skipped [info] apache axis2 - web application module ............. skipped [info] apache axis2 - transport - jms .................... skipped [info] apache axis2 - transport - mail ................... skipped [info] apache axis2 - transport - tcp .................... skipped [info] apache axis2 - transport - udp .................... skipped [info] apache axis2 - transport - xmpp ................... skipped [info] apache axis2 - root ............................... skipped [info] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [info] build failure [info] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [info] total time: 4.852s [info] finished at: wed jul 31 07:25:36 cdt 2013 [info] final memory: 35m/362m [info] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [error] failed execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.1:compile (default-compile) on project axis2-kernel: compilation failure: compilation failure: [error] \axis2\modules\kernel\src\org\apache\axis2\builder\[30,26] error: package javax.mail.internet not exist [error]  [error] \axis2\modules\kernel\src\org\apache\axis2\builder\[31,26] error: package javax.mail.internet not exist [error]  [error] \axis2\modules\kernel\src\org\apache\axis2\builder\[63,62] error: package javax.mail.util not exist [error]  [error] \axis2\modules\kernel\src\org\apache\axis2\builder\[42,8] error: cannot find symbol [error]  [error] \axis2\modules\kernel\src\org\apache\axis2\builder\[44,21] error: cannot find symbol [error]  [error] \axis2\modules\kernel\src\org\apache\axis2\builder\[45,17] error: cannot find symbol [error]  [error] \axis2\modules\kernel\src\org\apache\axis2\builder\[60,22] error: no suitable method found createomelement(datasourcebuilder.bytearraydatasourceex,string,omnamespace) [error]  [error] \axis2\modules\kernel\src\org\apache\axis2\builder\[80,24] error: cannot find symbol [error] -> [help 1] [error]  [error] see full stack trace of errors, re-run maven -e switch. [error] re-run maven using -x switch enable full debug logging. [error]  [error] more information errors , possible solutions, please read following articles: [error] [help 1] [error]  [error] after correcting problems, can resume build command [error]   mvn <goals> -rf :axis2-kernel 

and here portion of pom since whole thing big post

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  <!--   ~ licensed apache software foundation (asf) under 1   ~ or more contributor license agreements. see notice file   ~ distributed work additional information   ~ regarding copyright ownership. asf licenses file   ~ under apache license, version 2.0 (the   ~ "license"); may not use file except in compliance   ~ license. may obtain copy of license @   ~   ~   ~   ~ unless required applicable law or agreed in writing,   ~ software distributed under license distributed on   ~ "as is" basis, without warranties or conditions of   ~ kind, either express or implied. see license   ~ specific language governing permissions , limitations   ~ under license.   -->  <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemalocation="">     <parent>         <groupid>org.apache</groupid>         <artifactid>apache</artifactid>         <version>8</version>     </parent>     <modelversion>4.0.0</modelversion>     <groupid>org.apache.axis2</groupid>     <artifactid>axis2</artifactid>     <version>1.7.0-snapshot</version>     <packaging>pom</packaging>     <name>apache axis2 - root</name>     <inceptionyear>2004</inceptionyear>     <url></url>     <issuemanagement>         <system>jira</system>         <url></url>     </issuemanagement>     <modules>         <module>modules/resource-bundle</module> <!-- must first in list! -->         <module>modules/adb</module>         <module>modules/adb-codegen</module>         <module>modules/addressing</module>         <module>modules/codegen</module>         <module>modules/fastinfoset</module>         <module>modules/integration</module>         <module>modules/java2wsdl</module>         <module>modules/jibx</module>         <module>modules/json</module>         <module>modules/kernel</module>         <module>modules/mex</module>         <module>modules/mtompolicy</module>         <module>modules/mtompolicy-mar</module>         <module>modules/parent</module>         <module>modules/ping</module>         <module>modules/samples/version</module>         <module>modules/soapmonitor/servlet</module>         <module>modules/soapmonitor/module</module>         <module>modules/spring</module>         <module>modules/testutils</module>         <module>modules/tool/axis2-aar-maven-plugin</module>         <module>modules/tool/axis2-ant-plugin</module>         <module>modules/tool/axis2-eclipse-codegen-plugin</module>         <module>modules/tool/axis2-eclipse-service-plugin</module>         <module>modules/tool/axis2-idea-plugin</module>         <module>modules/tool/axis2-java2wsdl-maven-plugin</module>         <module>modules/tool/axis2-mar-maven-plugin</module>         <module>modules/tool/axis2-repo-maven-plugin</module>         <module>modules/tool/axis2-wsdl2code-maven-plugin</module>         <module>modules/tool/simple-server-maven-plugin</module>         <module>modules/tool/archetype/quickstart</module>         <module>modules/tool/archetype/quickstart-webapp</module>         <module>modules/webapp</module>         <module>modules/xmlbeans</module>         <module>modules/scripting</module>         <module>modules/jaxbri</module>         <module>modules/metadata</module>         <module>modules/saaj</module>         <module>modules/jaxws</module>         <module>modules/jaxws-mar</module>         <module>modules/jaxws-integration</module>         <module>modules/clustering</module>         <module>modules/corba</module>         <module>modules/osgi</module>         <module>modules/transport/local</module>         <module>modules/transport/http</module>         <module>modules/transport/base</module>         <module>modules/transport/jms</module>         <module>modules/transport/mail</module>         <module>modules/transport/tcp</module>         <module>modules/transport/testkit</module>         <module>modules/transport/udp</module>         <module>modules/transport/xmpp</module>     </modules>     <profiles>         <profile>             <!-- profile needs activated when doing release:prepare                  (by adding -peverything) make sure release plugin updates                  version numbers of relevant submodules. must contain                  modules not built default, i.e. set of modules used                  profile must union of module sets of                  other profiles. -->             <id>everything</id>             <modules>                 <module>modules/distribution</module>                 <module>modules/samples/java_first_jaxws</module>                 <module>modules/samples/jaxws-addressbook</module>                 <module>modules/samples/jaxws-calculator</module>                 <module>modules/samples/jaxws-interop</module>                 <module>modules/samples/jaxws-samples</module>                 <module>modules/samples/jaxws-version</module>             </modules>         </profile>         <profile>             <id>apache-release</id>             <modules>                 <module>modules/distribution</module>             </modules>             <build>                 <plugins>                     <plugin>                         <artifactid>maven-enforcer-plugin</artifactid>                         <version>1.0-beta-1</version>                         <executions>                             <execution>                                 <goals>                                     <goal>enforce</goal>                                 </goals>                                 <configuration>                                     <rules>                                         <!-- need maven 2.1 because prepare-package phase                                              doesn't exist in maven 2.0 -->                                         <requiremavenversion>                                             <version>2.1.0</version>                                         </requiremavenversion>                                     </rules>                                 </configuration>                             </execution>                         </executions>                     </plugin>                     <plugin>                         <groupid>org.codehaus.gmaven</groupid>                         <artifactid>gmaven-plugin</artifactid>                         <version>1.2</version>                         <executions>                             <execution>                                 <id>generate-timestamp</id>                                 <phase>prepare-package</phase>                                 <goals>                                     <goal>execute</goal>                                 </goals>                                 <configuration>                                     <source>                                         import                                          import java.text.messageformat                                ['buildtimestamp'] = messageformat.format("{0,date,dd-mm-yyyy}", new date())                                     </source>                                 </configuration>                             </execution>                         </executions>                     </plugin>                     <plugin>                         <artifactid>maven-javadoc-plugin</artifactid>                         <!-- configure additional execution. configuration                              same 1 specified execution                              in pre-site phase.  -->                         <executions>                             <execution>                                 <id>distribution-javadoc</id>                                 <phase>prepare-package</phase>                                 <goals>                                     <goal>aggregate</goal>                                 </goals>                             </execution>                         </executions>                     </plugin>                     <plugin>                         <artifactid>maven-site-plugin</artifactid>                         <executions>                             <execution>                                 <phase>prepare-package</phase>                                 <goals>                                     <goal>site</goal>                                 </goals>                             </execution>                         </executions>                     </plugin>                     <plugin>                         <artifactid>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactid>                         <executions>                             <execution>                                 <!-- override execution defined in org.apache:apache                                      source-release assembly not built.                                      define our own source distribution in modules/distribution. -->                                 <id>source-release-assembly</id>                                 <configuration>                                     <phase>package</phase>                                     <goals>                                         <goal>single</goal>                                     </goals>                                     <skipassembly>true</skipassembly>                                 </configuration>                             </execution>                             <execution>                                 <id>package-other-distributions</id>                                 <phase>package</phase>                                 <goals>                                     <goal>single</goal>                                 </goals>                                 <configuration>                                     <descriptors>                                         <descriptor>src/main/assembly/doc.xml</descriptor>                                     </descriptors>                                 </configuration>                             </execution>                             <execution>                                 <id>prepare-dists</id>                                 <!-- must done in install phase after checksum , signature                                      docs distribution has been generated. -->                                 <phase>install</phase>                                 <goals>                                     <goal>single</goal>                                 </goals> ... 

you missing javax.mail.internet , javax.mail.util libraries. says in output posted. need add them project.

there many more problems, without posting pom there isn't way know.

also, simple google search have provided answer.


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