c# - Writing Image on a Cell of an excel in interop? -

i doing export excel .but have export images in excel cell.

public void generateandsaveexcel(dataset ds) {     try     {         bool excelcreated = createexcelapplication();         bool workbookcreated = createworkbook();         if (excelcreated && workbookcreated)         {             bool worksheetadded = addworksheet();             if (worksheetadded)             {                 createheader(ds.tables[0].columns);                 addrows(ds.tables[0].rows, ds.tables[0].columns);                  save(@"c:\worksheet1.xlsx");              }         }         else         {          }     }     catch (system.unauthorizedaccessexception)     {      }     catch (system.runtime.interopservices.comexception)     {      }     catch (system.io.ioexception)     {      }         {         excelapp.quit();         workbook = null;         worksheet = null;         dispose();     } } 

here have columns id,name,sereenshot1,sereenshot2. sereenshot1,sereenshot2 image byte array.

i doing calculation in addrows method

public void addrows(datarowcollection datarows, datacolumncollection colmap) {     microsoft.office.interop.excel.worksheet worksheet = worksheets.first();     string startindex = "b1";     microsoft.office.interop.excel.range range = worksheet.get_range(startindex, missing.value);      int rowindex = 2;     foreach (var row in datarows)     {         int colindex = 1;         foreach (datacolumn column in colmap)         {             range = (microsoft.office.interop.excel.range)worksheet.cells[rowindex, colindex++];             object value = ((system.data.datarow)(row)).itemarray[column.ordinal];             if (column.columnname != "screenshot1" && column.columnname != "screenshot2")             {                 range.set_value(microsoft.office.interop.excel.xlrangevaluedatatype.xlrangevaluedefault, value);             }             if (column.columnname == "screenshot1" && !string.isnullorempty(value.tostring()))             {                 string path = configurationsettings.appsettings["imagepathpath"]                            + @"\img" + ((system.data.datarow)(row)).itemarray[0].tostring() + "srn1" + ".jpg";                 worksheet.shapes.addpicture(path, microsoft.office.core.msotristate.msofalse, microsoft.office.core.msotristate.msoctrue, 10, 10, 200, 200);             }             if (column.columnname == "screenshot2" && !string.isnullorempty(value.tostring()))             {                 string path = configurationsettings.appsettings["imagepathpath"]                            + @"\img" + ((system.data.datarow)(row)).itemarray[0].tostring() + "srn1" + ".jpg";                 worksheet.shapes.addpicture(path, microsoft.office.core.msotristate.msofalse, microsoft.office.core.msotristate.msoctrue, 10, 10, 100, 100);             }         }         rowindex++;     } } 

here working fine images coming ...but how determine position cell of image.

now images coming not in cell,,please help.here have use interop only.i want fit image in cell


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