xcode4.6 - Can't Run my iOS App from Xcode 4.6 after installing Xcode 5 -

i installed resently xcode 5 ios 7 sdk on mac os 10.8. problem can't more run ios app xcode 4.6, here's errors: - when run app xcode, after build have message: "can't find existing path [myproject.app path]" , file exist in specified path. - when generate ipa , install itune have message: "not supported device".

my app works fine before installing new xcode (5 + ios 7 sdk) 1 have solution?



easy solution!

xcode 5 previous change formats. knowledge common issues are: 1. changing xib/storyboard file, can check answer here solution: how fix project opened in xcode5 dp3 accident?

  1. it can change framework path format (you should error when compiling), solve check answer here: sentestingkit/sentestingkit.h' file not found on xcode 4.6.x

if both doesn't work please add more details , love help.


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