c# - Visual Studio 2010 suddenly can't see namespace? -

my c# winforms solution has 2 projects. dll main project i'm working on, , executable winforms call "sandbox" can compile/run/debug dll in 1 go.

i'm working in .net 4.0 both projects.

everything working fine until added seemingly innocent code, , reference system.web in dll. sandbox project can't see namespace of dll project. didn't change believe should have affected this.

if delete project reference dll sandbox references , re-add it, red underlines disappear , colour coding comes classes etc; as try build solution, whole thing falls apart again.

when right-click dll project in sandbox's references , view in object browser, can see namespace , stuff in there.

i have feeling might sort of bug?

is sort of vs2010 bug? had same issue few months ago , fix @ time making whole new project , re-importing files. time, however, have bajillion files , last resort!

edit: after panickedly going through , undoing changes, trying find caused problems, seems line:

string url = "http://maps.google.com?q=" + httputility.urlencode(address); 

if comment out line, no namespace errors , project builds fine. can't see wrong line though.

i'm ready declare bug in vs2010, has bitten way many programmers already. fix easy: project + properties, application tab, change target framework ".net framework 4" instead of client profile selected default.

system.web not included in client profile. having option in first place quite silly, client profile 15% smaller full version of .net 4.0. having selected default sillier. digress.

update: mercifully got fixed in vs2012. no longer makes client profile default new project. , client profile got retired in .net 4.5, riddance.


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