django - Latin1/UTF-8 Encoding Problems in AngularJS -

i have python 2.7 django + angularjs app. there's input field feeds data model , data sent server using angular's $http. when input field contains character "é", django doesn't it. when use "★é" django has no problem it. seems me star character being outside latin1 charset forces encoding utf-8, while when non-latin character "é", angular sends data latin1, confuses python code.

the error message django is: unicodedecodeerror: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xe9 in position 0: invalid continuation byte

telling simplejson.loads() function on server read data using iso-8859-1 (latin1) encoding worked fine when input string contained é in , no star, proves data coming browser latin1 unless forced utf-8 non-latin1 characters, star.

is there way tell angular send data using utf-8?

the angular code sends data server:

$http({     url: $scope.dataurl,     method: 'post',     data: json.stringify({recipe: recipe}),     headers: {'content-type': 'application/json'} }).success(...).error(...); 

the django code reads data:

recipe = simplejson.loads(request.raw_post_data)['recipe'] 

i found 1 way works, using transformrequest config parameter.

transformrequest: function (data, headersgetter) {     return encode_utf8(json.stringify(data)); }  function encode_utf8(s) {   return unescape(encodeuricomponent(s)); } 

i'm using encode function found , explained @ , json library found @


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