form for - What are some possible reasons that you would get an undefined method 'TheModelName_path' error using a form_for in rails 3? -

i can't figure out why have error knowledge set should work.

this error get: nomethoderror @ /short/new undefined method `shorts_path' #<#:0x007fbc441426e0>

  1. my model short not shorts
  2. when run rake routes there no shorts_path i'm not sure helper coming from. don't understand why form_for giving me error when @short defined in def new section of controller.

can please explain me?

thank in advance

this controller looks like

class shortcontroller < applicationcontroller      def show         @short = short.find(params[:id].to_i(36))          respond_to |format|             #redirect directly url stored long in database             format.html { redirect_to @short.long}         end     end      def new         @short =          respond_to |format|             format.html # new.html.erb         end     end      def create         @short =[:short])          respond_to |format|             if                  format.html { render action: "show" }              else                  format.html { render action: "new" }             end         end     end end 


trainingproject::application.routes.draw   root :to => 'short#welcome'   resources :short, :only => [:new, :create, :show] end 

form partial rendered in view new

<%= form_for(@short) |f| %>     <% if @short.errors.any? %>         <div id="error_explanation">             <h2><%= pluralize(@short.errors.count,"error") %> prohibited url being saved:</h2>             <ul>                 <% @short.errors.full_messages.each |msg| %>                     <li><%= msg %></li>                 <% end %>             </ul>         </div>     <% end %>          <div class="form-field">             <%= f.label "enter url" %><br />             <%= f.text_field :long %>         </div>         <div class="actions">             <%= f.submit %>         </div> <% end %> 

you're getting error because form_for(@short), @short new short record, attempt use path helper called shorts_path route form needs go. you're missing route definition in config/routes.rb file:

 resources :shorts 

please read getting started , routing guides, should explain things you're missing.


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