php - session_start() cash limit -

at first , should know there other topics similar topic couldn't solve problem after read these topics.

so , please go to: link , see error:

warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: cannot send session cache limiter - headers sent (output started @ /home3/icompir/public_html/myscript/index.php:1) in /home3/icompir/public_html/myscript/index.php on line 3 

i know error has relation headers , sent headers. in "index.php" file , headers doesn't send before "session_start();" !

you can see code of page:

<?php include('inc.php'); session_start(); include('header.php'); ?> <title>صفحه اصلی</title> </head> <body><div class="body">  <?php include('navigation.php'); include('sidebar.php'); ?> <div id="content"> <strong>در دست اجرا:</strong> <ul>     <li>بهینه سازی اسکریپت.</li>     <li>اضافه کردن امکان تغییر پسورد.</li>     <li>اضافه کردن ارسال ایمیل تایید پس از ثبت نام.</li>     <li>تذکر هنگام ثبت نام اگر نام کاربری مشابه وجود داشت.</li>     <li>اضافه کردن امکان پیام خصوصی.</li>     <li>تکمیل بخش پروفایل.</li>     <li>پیاده سازی جی کوئری و آژاکس روی قسمت های مختلف سایت ...</li> </ul>  <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div>  </div></body> </html> 

and if think there headers in "inc.php" isn't correct. code of "inc.php" :

<?php  include('constants.php'); require_once('functions.php'); ?> 

i checked "contants.php" , "functions.php" too. there no header in these files. error show in index.php! when login or go doesn't show.

do know answere? thank you

try changing

<?php include('inc.php'); session_start(); include('header.php'); ?> 


<?php session_start(); include('inc.php'); include('header.php'); ?> 


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