cordova - unable to download phonegap from github -

firstly don't know should ask question

i tried downloading phonegap version 2.4.0 links fail every single time. download few mb, , return network error. tried downloading using chrome , firefox fail. tried using download manager in firefox (orbit), still fail same message, network error.

i can download files every other place in internet, files larger phonegap file. asked friend try , download file me location (but in same country, malaysia), receive same error. else faced problem? or country specific problem? have tried download file past 3 days , failed. (about month ago) have no problem downloading phonegap library.

can shed light me why happening?

*i need phonegap 2.4.0 since latest version have prob.. read in many threads problem go away phonegap 2.4.

i've downloaded zip , re-uploaded server. have made available download here:

hopefully can download here. leave link active until download it. please let me know when have downloaded , delete file server.

good luck phonegap! :)


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