how to download file over ssl (https) on android -

i have app working using code below http, security reasons being changed https, causes download fail. tried changing httpurlconnection httpsurlconnection did not work.

try {      fileoutputstream f = new fileoutputstream(directory);     url u = new url(fileurl);     httpurlconnection c = (httpurlconnection) u.openconnection();     c.setrequestmethod("get");     c.setdooutput(true);     c.connect();      inputstream in = c.getinputstream();      byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];     int len1 = 0      while ((len1 = > 0) {         f.write(buffer, 0, len1);         log.d("downloader","downloading");     }      f.close();     } catch (exception e) {         e.printstacktrace();         log.d("downloader", "catch");     } 

there no particular passwords or needed connect computer , in fact if go browser on android phone , type in https url in question loads fine... cant figure out how in app.

i have virtually no experience security or certificates or of not sure needed here or look.


have @ https , ssl article within android documentation. have simple example in there, given https certificate signed trusted ca (as write you're able use server browser have such signed certificate):

url url = new url(""); urlconnection urlconnection = url.openconnection(); inputstream in = urlconnection.getinputstream(); copyinputstreamtooutputstream(in, system.out); 


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