twitter bootstrap - PHP/Laravel/Bootsrap fetch data -

i've got tiny little problem. i've got table in database called 'player_skills'. contains columns (example):

player_id | skill_id | value | count

  • 15 0 10 12
  • 15 1 10 51
  • ...
  • 15 8 10 12
  • the player_id id of player column 'id' under 'players' table. there 8 skills. value default value (which irrelevant in case). count value (the value of players skill).

    basically, want pull data bootstrap tabs (example):

            <div class="tabbable tabs-left">     <ul class="nav nav-tabs">     <li class="active"><a href="?skill0" data-toggle="tab">section 1</a></li>     <li><a href="?skill1" data-toggle="tab">section 2</a></li>     <li><a href="?skill2" data-toggle="tab">section 3</a></li> ...     </ul>     <div class="tab-content">     <div class="tab-pane active" id="?skill0">     <p>i'm in section a.</p>     </div>     <div class="tab-pane" id="?skill1">     <p>howdy, i'm in section b.</p>     </div>     <div class="tab-pane" id="?skill2">     <p>what girl, section c.</p>     </div>     </div>     </div> 

    i want order (from highest lowest,( have 'group_id' column in every player, don't want include player has group_id equals three) every skill). have 1 skill that's located in 'players' table (column called 'experience') , i've done this:

        public function highscores() {     $players = player::orderby('experience','desc')->get();     return view::make('aac.highscores')->with('players', $players); } 

    it works fine, need in tabs change every skill.

    your need covered laravel. first, have declare many many relationship between skills , players (read more : :

    class skill extends eloquent {      public function players() {         return $this->belongstomany('player', 'player_skills', 'skill_id', 'player_id')                     ->withpivot('value', 'count');     }  } 

    then can skills database players linked with method. method not obligatory (you can use all instead) eager loading practice here (read more : :

    class skillcontroller extends basecontroller {      public function index()     {         $skills = skill::with('players')->get();          return view::make('skill.index', array('skills' => $skills));     }  } 

    finally can iterate on skills array , on players arrays inside each skill (read more blade templating : :

    <!-- index.blade.php --> <div class="tabbable tabs-left">     <ul class="nav nav-tabs">     @foreach ($skills $skill)         <li><a href="?{{ $skill->id }}" data-toggle="tab">{{ $skill->name }}</a></li>            @endforeach     </ul>     <div class="tab-content">     @foreach ($skills $skill)         <div class="tab-pane active" id="?{{ $skill->id }}">             @foreach ($skills->players $player)                 <p>{{ $player->name }} : {{ $player->pivot->count }} points !</p>             @endforeach         </div>     @endforeach     </div> </div> 

    if want order players skill count can use sortby function (read more : :

    $orderedplayers = $skill->players->sortby(function($player) {     return $player->pivot->count; }); 

    ask if not clear.


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