i have found interesting "issue" when using ado driver sql server 2008 (or rather when using specific sql cursors created driver). want execute following query: select id, televeid, teldayid, telmobid, qualityflag, weekbegin cef (televeid = '+44xxxx') or (teldayid = '+44xxxxx') or (telmobid = '+44xxxx') order id desc where there (for sake of example) 3 indexed on cef table tuples [id; televeid], [id; teldayid], , [id; telmobid] the query above "translated" driver in following way: declare @p1 int declare @p2 int declare @p5 int set @p5=4 declare @p6 int set @p6=4 declare @p7 int set @p7=-1 exec sp_cursorprepexec @p1 output,@p2 output,null,n'select id, televeid, teldayid, telmobid, qualityflag, weekbegin cef (televeid = ''+44xxxx'') or (teldayid = ''+44xxxx'') or (telmobid = ''+44xxxx'') order id desc',@p5 output,@p6 output,@p7 output exec sp_cursorfetch @p2,2,1,10 the pro...