ruby on rails - Nested models work fine in development but are not being saved in production -

this first heroku deploy , i'm having odd issue can't seem figure out. app has nested form when create product can add skus. works great in dev, when deployed heroku nested form rejecting skus blank. i've added skus individually (outside of product form) , works fine, additionally there nested dimensions fields in product form save properly. seems nested skus doesn't like.

oddly enough logs seem show there nested attributes present skus when submit form.

the error when form gets kicked , says: skus can't blank

also, i'm not understanding why, in log files parameters getting cut off, how it's displayed in heroku logs?

the other odd thing don't have validation skus, far can tell product should able saved if sku blank.

any advice far troubleshooting or avenues investigate appreciated.


2013-07-31t21:13:20.977351+00:00 app[web.1]: name: add image :: f.object: #<product:0x007fabc02a7bf0> :: association: images :: container: product-image :: name: add image :: f.object: #<dimension:0x007fabc1dcd6c8> :: association: image :: container: dimension-image-37265 :: name: add dimension :: f.object: #<product:0x007fabc02a7bf0> :: association: dimensions :: container: dimensions :: child_association: image :: name: add image :: f.object: #<dimension:0x007fabc2ea5838> :: association: image :: container: dimension-image-61466 :: name: add skus :: f.object: #<product:0x007fabc02a7bf0> :: association: skus :: container: skus :: child_association: images :: name: add images :: f.object: #<sku:0x007fabc305cde8> :: association: images :: container: sku-image-4581 :: processing productscontroller#create html 2013-07-31t21:13:20.977351+00:00 app[web.1]: che"=>"", "_destroy"=>"false"}}}}}, "commit"=>"save"} 2013-07-31t21:13:20.977351+00:00 app[web.1]:   rendered components/_component_select.html.haml (5.5ms) 2013-07-31t21:13:20.977351+00:00 app[web.1]:   rendered components/_component_select.html.haml (3.3ms) 2013-07-31t21:13:20.977351+00:00 app[web.1]:   rendered components/_component_select.html.haml (2.5ms) 2013-07-31t21:13:20.977351+00:00 app[web.1]:   parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"y7omgrfxdbre2zw63voqpp8j/w9syjfgcsphzhppjeq=", "product"=>{"active"=>"1", "shown"=>"1", "skin_id"=>"2", "collection_id"=>"1", "component_ids"=>["9"], "title"=>"test", "images_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"asset_cache"=>"", "_destroy"=>"false"}}, "features"=>"<p>test</p>\r\n", "dimensions_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"_destroy"=>"false", "title"=>"overall dimensions", "width"=>"1", "height"=>"1", "depth"=>"1", "image_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"asset_cache"=>"", "_destroy"=>"false"}}}}, "video"=>"", "skus_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"_destroy"=>"false", "finish_id"=>"1", "title"=>"lskdjf", "images_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"asset"=>#<actiondispatch::http::uploadedfile:0x007fabc014dcf0 @original_filename="albino stallion.jpg", @content_type="image/jpeg", @headers="content-disposition: form-data; name=\"product[skus_attributes][0][images_attributes][0][asset]\"; filename=\"albino stallion.jpg\"\r\ncontent-type: image/jpeg\r\n", @tempfile=#<tempfile:/tmp/rackmultipart20130731-2-1n97ibo>>, "asset_ca 2013-07-31t21:13:20.977351+00:00 app[web.1]:   rendered components/_component_select.html.haml (3.1ms) 


class product < activerecord::base   include rails.application.routes.url_helpers    default_scope order(' asc')    attr_accessible               :name,                                  :title,                                 :features,                                  :active,                                 :shown,                                 :video,                                  ## belongs_to ##                                 :collection_id,                                 :skin_id,                                  ## has_many ##                                 :component_ids,                                  ## nested attributes ##                                 :skus_attributes,                                 :dimensions_attributes,                                 :images_attributes     belongs_to                    :component   belongs_to                    :collection   belongs_to                    :skin    has_many                      :product_compilation_components,    :dependent  => :destroy   has_many                      :components,                        :through    => :product_compilation_components    has_many                      :dimensions, dependent: :destroy   accepts_nested_attributes_for :dimensions, reject_if: lambda { |a| a[:width].blank? || a[:height].blank? || a[:depth].blank? }, allow_destroy: true    has_many                      :skus, dependent: :destroy   accepts_nested_attributes_for :skus    has_many                      :images, as: :imageable, dependent: :destroy   accepts_nested_attributes_for :images, reject_if: proc { |attrs| attrs['asset'].blank? && attrs['asset_cache'].blank? }, allow_destroy: true    validates_presence_of         :title   validates_presence_of         :collection   validates_presence_of         :skin    before_save                   :create_name    def show     if && self.shown       return true     end      return false   end    def path(sku = skus.first)     return product_sku_path(id,   end    def categories     @category_ids ={ |component| component.category_id }     @categories = category.all(:conditions => { :id => @category_ids })     return @categories   end     def brands     @brand_ids ={|style| style.brand_id}     @brands = brand.all(:conditions => { :id => @brand_ids })     return @brands   end    def self.skus_by_finish(finish_id)     @skus = sku.where(:finish_id => finish_id);     return @skus   end    private    def create_name = title.parameterize   end end 

so i'm not 100% sure problem i've fixed it. ended removing had skus adding in bit bit.

what think caused issue had version of product class renamed because wasn't using , didn't want lose track of work had done (i know, not necessary i'm using git. guess old habits die hard) anyway, had changed file name, neglected rename class definition in file. name such came after real product class using. i'm thinking caused conflict on heroku. thing don't understand why didn't cause problems in local dev environment.


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