Python Decimal - engineering notation for mili (10e-3) and micro (10e-6) -

here example bothering me:

>>> x = decimal.decimal('0.0001') >>> print x.normalize() >>> print x.normalize().to_eng_string() 0.0001 0.0001 

is there way have engineering notation representing mili (10e-3) , micro (10e-6)?

here's function things explicitly, , has support using si suffixes exponent:

def eng_string( x, format='%s', si=false):     '''     returns float/int value <x> formatted in simplified engineering format -     using exponent multiple of 3.      format: printf-style string used format value before exponent.      si: if true, use si suffix exponent, e.g. k instead of e3, n instead of     e-9 etc.      e.g. format='%.2f':         1.23e-08 => 12.30e-9              123 => 123.00           1230.0 => 1.23e3       -1230000.0 => -1.23e6      , si=true:           1230.0 => 1.23k       -1230000.0 => -1.23m     '''     sign = ''     if x < 0:         x = -x         sign = '-'     exp = int( math.floor( math.log10( x)))     exp3 = exp - ( exp % 3)     x3 = x / ( 10 ** exp3)      if si , exp3 >= -24 , exp3 <= 24 , exp3 != 0:         exp3_text = 'yzafpnum kmgtpezy'[ ( exp3 - (-24)) / 3]     elif exp3 == 0:         exp3_text = ''     else:         exp3_text = 'e%s' % exp3      return ( '%s'+format+'%s') % ( sign, x3, exp3_text) 


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