javascript - Charts using Rally -

i developing custom rally app. pulling data using lookback api , graphing using charts. chart plotted before data retrieved. hence, have command button, trigger chart being reloaded or refreshed or removed , inserted again.

however unable figure out how reload/refresh button.

i have looked @

  1. refreshing rallychart

  2. updating chart new data in app sdk 2.0

but not work in case.

any alternative method working welcome.

i have attached app.js used rally-app-sdk. please !

var year = 2013; var month = "07"; var date = 10; var hh = "17"; var mm = "08"; var ss = "00"; var dates = []; var array1 = []; var arrayswqa = [];  //var a3= [1, 2, 3]; //console.log(a3.length);  var chartconfig;  var date1 = year + "-" + month + "-" + date + "t" + hh + ":" + mm + ":" + ss + "z"; console.log(date1);  var date2 = year + "-" + month + "-" + (date + 10) + "t" + hh + ":" + mm + ":" + ss + "z"; console.log(date2);   date1 = "2013-06-10t15:48:58z";    ext.define('customapp', {     extend: '',     componentcls: 'app',     id: 'appid',      launch: function () {           //write app code here         console.log('hello world');         (date = 10; date < 21;) {             date1 = year + "-" + month + "-" + date + "t" + hh + ":" + mm + ":" + ss + "z";             var dispdate = month + "-" + date;             dates.push(dispdate);             date = date + 1;             date2 = year + "-" + month + "-" + date + "t" + hh + ":" + mm + ":" + ss + "z";              console.log(date1);              //date1 = "2013-07-16t12:00:58z";             //date2 = "2013-07-17t12:00:58z";             //getting defect count parent project ie. inclusive of swqa orbis             //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------              //pasted in last 1             var snapshotstore = ext.create('', {                 context: {                     workspace: '/workspace/3274954442'                 },                 find: {                     //_projecthierarchy: 12280411247,                      //__at: "2013-07-22t17:10:00z",                     __validfrom: date1,                     __validto: date2,                     //formattedid : 'de12612',                      //__validfrom: {$lte: "current"},                     //__validto:{$gt: "current"},                     //__at:date1,                     __typehierarchy: 'defect'                 },                 listeners: {                     load: function (store, data, success) {                         //process data                         var x = snapshotstore.getcount();                         console.log(x);                          //settimeout(_loadchart(), 3000)                     }                 },                 fetch: ['name', 'state', 'formattedid', 'openeddate'],                 order: 'openeddate desc',                 hydrate: ['state', 'formattedid'],                 filters: [                  {                     property: '_typehierarchy',                     operator: '=',                     value: 'defect'                 }, {                     property: '_projecthierarchy',                     operator: '=',                     value: 10883100246 //orbis 12280416678 //  regicam que      9114502819: regicam exdg                 }, {                     property: 'openeddate',                     operator: '>',                     value: date1                 }, {                     property: 'openeddate',                     operator: '<=',                     value: date2                 }                 ]             });                snapshotstore.load({                 callback: function (records, operation) {                     if (operation.wassuccessful()) {                         //process records                          var listofdefects = [];                         (var = 0; < records.length; i++) {                             //console.log(records[i].data.objectid);                             var found = listofdefects.indexof(records[i].data.objectid);                             if (found == -1) {                                 listofdefects.push(records[i].data.objectid);                             }                         }                         console.log("date = " + date1 + "original: " + records.length + " unique" + listofdefects.length);                         array1.push(listofdefects.length);                         console.log("list: " + listofdefects);                         console.log("all orbis:" + array1);                      }                   }             });              //getting defect count parent project ie. swqa orbis             var snapshotstoreswqa = ext.create('', {                 context: {                     workspace: '/workspace/3274954442'                 },                 find: {                     //_projecthierarchy: 12280411247,                      //__at: "2013-07-22t17:10:00z",                     __validfrom: date1,                     __validto: date2,                     //formattedid : 'de12612',                      //__validfrom: {$lte: "current"},                     //__validto:{$gt: "current"},                     //__at:date1,                     __typehierarchy: 'defect'                 },                  listeners: {                     load: function (store, data, success) {                         //process data                         var x = snapshotstoreswqa.getcount();                         console.log(x);                          //settimeout(_loadchart(), 3000)                     }                 },                 fetch: ['name', 'state', 'formattedid', 'openeddate'],                 order: 'openeddate desc',                 hydrate: ['state', 'formattedid'],                 filters: [                  {                     property: '_typehierarchy',                     operator: '=',                     value: 'defect'                 }, {                     property: '_projecthierarchy',                     operator: 'in',                     value: [12226454553, 12829981291, 12226458054, 12280417123, 12226539592] // 10883100246 //orbis 12280416678 //  regicam que      9114502819: regicam exdg                 }, {                     property: 'openeddate',                     operator: '>',                     value: date1                 }, {                     property: 'openeddate',                     operator: '<=',                     value: date2                 }                  ]             });                snapshotstoreswqa.load({                 callback: function (records, operation) {                     if (operation.wassuccessful()) {                         //process records                          var listofdefects = [];                         (var = 0; < records.length; i++) {                             //console.log(records[i].data.objectid);                             var found = listofdefects.indexof(records[i].data.objectid);                             if (found == -1) {                                 listofdefects.push(records[i].data.objectid);                             }                         }                         console.log("date = " + date1 + "original: " + records.length + " unique" + listofdefects.length);                         arrayswqa.push(listofdefects.length);                         console.log("list: " + listofdefects);                         console.log("swqa:" + arrayswqa);                       }                   }             });         } //endfor           this._loadchart();         this.redrawchart();      },      redrawchart: function() {          this.remove('chart');          console.log('redrawing');         this.add(chart);      },     _loadchart: function () {         chartconfig = {             chart: {                 type: 'column'             },             title: {                 text: 'defect kill rate'             },             subtitle: {                 text: 'from date1 date2'             },             xaxis: {                 categories: dates             },             yaxis: {                 min: 0,                 title: {                     text: 'defect count (no)'                 }             },             tooltip: {                 headerformat: '<span style="font-size:10px">{point.key}</span><table>',                 pointformat: '<tr><td style="color:{series.color};padding:0">{}: </td>' + '<td style="padding:0"><b>{point.y:.1f} mm</b></td></tr>',                 footerformat: '</table>',                 shared: true,                 usehtml: true             },             plotoptions: {                 column: {                     pointpadding: 0.2,                     borderwidth: 0                 }             },             series: [{                 name: 'swqa defects',                 data: arrayswqa              }, {                 name: 'orbis defects',                 data: array1              }]         };          chart = {             xtype: 'rallychart',             height: 300,             width: 400,             id: 'chart1',             chartconfig: chartconfig         };          button = {             xtype: 'rallybutton',             text: 'click me',             handler: function () {                 //ext.msg.alert('button', 'you clicked me');                 console.clear();                 console.log("swqa:" + arrayswqa);                 console.log("orbis rest:" + array1);                   var = ext.getcmp('appid');                 //a.remove(chart);                 //a.add(chart);                 //a.redrawchart();                 console.log('callback');                  ext.create('rally.ui.chart.chart', {                 chartconfig: {                     chart: {                         zoomtype: "xy"                     },                     xaxis: {                         title: {                             text: "date"                         }                     },                     yaxis: [                         {                             title: {                                 text: "points"                             }                         }                     ],                     plotoptions: {                         line: {                             color: "#000"                         },                         column: {                             stacking: null,                             color: "#6ab17d",                             linecolor: "#666666",                             linewidth: 1,                             marker: {                                 linewidth: 1,                                 linecolor: "#666666"                             },                             shadow: false                         }                     },                      series: [{                             name: 'swqa defects',                             data: arrayswqa                          }, {                             name: 'orbis defects',                             data: array1                          }]                 }                 //remaining configuration omitted brevity             });                   },             callback: function(){              }         };           this.add(button);         this.add(chart);        } }); 

you may see full code example app chart updated new data based on selection in release dropdown here. in code check if chart exists, , remove if before recreating it:

if (this.down('#mychart')) {     this.remove('mychart'); }  this.add(                     {                         xtype: 'rallychart',                         height: 400,                         itemid: 'mychart',                         chartconfig: {                             //....                         },                                     chartdata: {                             categories: schedulestategroups,                              series: [                                  {                                        //...                                 }                             ]                         }                     }                 );                 this.down('#mychart')._unmask();  //otherwise loading mask not go away 


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