java - How can I modify generated files ,created using cxf-codegen plugin and then compile? -

i using cxf-codegen maven plugin .the first time did mvn install ,it generated set of files , placed in target/generated-sources/cxf folder , generated files compiled , packed in resulting jar maven.

now find reason namespace attribute not fetched while rest response created . server flings error saying

 javax.xml.bind.unmarshalexception:  unexpected element (uri:"", local:"com.collabnet.teamforge.ia.types.getconfigurationparametersresponse").  expected elements  \lt{}createprojectconfigurationrequest\gt, \lt{}getconfigurationparametersrequest\gt, \lt{}getconfigurationparametersresponse\gt, \lt{}getpagecomponentparametersrequest> 

so have planned , set namespace attribute in generated file (

@xmlrootelement(name = "getconfigurationparametersresponse" , namespace = "http://...")

. @ present did change , did maven install , nothing seems happen . change in generated files ignored maven install .it not compiled.

so question

how make change made in generated files reflected , compiled during maven install ?

if add "-xjc-npa" flag wsdl2java, should fill in namespace attributes , not generate stuff. may fix issue if issue. said, if still generates namespace="" attributes, means schema in wsdl wrong , doesn't have elementformdefault="qualified" attribute in it.


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