VB.Net Interop Error 0x800A0BDB -

i have vb.net program executes macros in .accdb access database. until last week, worked fine. macros execute fine when run directly in access 2 of 3 macros generating error when executed vb program:

error occurred: system.runtime.interopservices.comexception (0x800a0bdb): system resource exceeded. @ microsoft.office.interop.access.docmd.runmacro(object macroname, object repeatcount, object repeatexpression) @ niceprintmsaccessmacros.module1.executemacros()

here log output vb program:

7/31/2013 12:19:42 pm searching test 'run' file (\[server name removed]\apps\macros_to_run\macros_to_run_test.txt)... if found, application proceed in test mode. 7/31/2013 12:19:42 pm production 'run' file (\[server name removed]\apps\macros_to_run\macros_to_run_test.txt) found. proceeding in production mode. 7/31/2013 12:19:42 pm starting production file run. 7/31/2013 12:19:45 pm file: \[server name removed]\apps\my labels\labels\labels.accdb 7/31/2013 12:19:45 pm looking file... 7/31/2013 12:19:45 pm file found. opening database... 7/31/2013 12:19:47 pm database open. running macro(s)... 7/31/2013 12:19:47 pm running macro maccartitemlabels... 7/31/2013 12:20:13 pm error occurred: system.runtime.interopservices.comexception (0x800a0bdb): system resource exceeded. @ microsoft.office.interop.access.docmd.runmacro(object macroname, object repeatcount, object repeatexpression) @ niceprintmsaccessmacros.module1.executemacros() 7/31/2013 12:20:13 pm checking backup of today's database... 7/31/2013 12:20:13 pm backup database found (\[server name removed]\apps\macros_to_run\databasebackup\prod\7-31-2013_backup_labels.accdb) 7/31/2013 12:20:13 pm production mode exited. 7/31/2013 12:20:13 pm executing routine cleanup of logs 30 days or older... 7/31/2013 12:20:13 pm log cleanup completed.

here code module1.vb:

imports microsoft.office.interop module module1     dim macrosfile string     dim macros2runfile string = "\\[server name removed]\apps\macros_to_run\macros_to_run_prod.txt"     dim macros2runfile_test string = "\\[server name removed]\apps\macros_to_run\macros_to_run_test.txt"     dim logfile string = "\\[server name removed]\apps\macros_to_run\logs\log_" + today.tostring.remove(today.tostring.indexof(" "), today.tostring.length - today.tostring.indexof(" ")).replace("/", "-") + ".log"     dim dbbackupdirectory string = "\\[server name removed]\apps\macros_to_run\databasebackup\"     dim backupdb string     dim filedirectory string = "\\[server name removed]\apps\my labels\labels\"     dim oaccess access.application     dim file string     sub main()         try             log("searching test 'run' file (" + macros2runfile_test + ")...  if found, application proceed in test mode.")             if my.computer.filesystem.fileexists(macros2runfile_test)                 log("test 'run' file (" + macros2runfile_test + ") found." + vbnewline + vbtab + vbtab + vbtab + "proceeding in test mode." + vbnewline + vbtab + vbtab + vbtab + "skipping search production 'run' file (" + macros2runfile + ").")                 file = "test_db_labels.accdb"                 log("starting test file run.")                 dbbackupdirectory = dbbackupdirectory + "test\"                 macrosfile = macros2runfile_test                 executemacros()                 createdbbackup()                 log("test mode exited.")                 cleanlogfiles()                 cleanbackupdatabases()             elseif my.computer.filesystem.fileexists(macros2runfile)                 log("production 'run' file (" + macros2runfile_test + ") found." + vbnewline + vbtab + vbtab + vbtab + "proceeding in production mode.")                 file = "labels.accdb"                 log("starting production file run.")                 dbbackupdirectory = dbbackupdirectory + "prod\"                 macrosfile = macros2runfile                 executemacros()                 createdbbackup()                 log("production mode exited.")                 cleanlogfiles()                 cleanbackupdatabases()             else                 log("the application exiting because cannot find either of following:" + vbnewline + "-" + macros2runfile_test + vbnewline + "-" + macros2runfile)             end if         catch ex exception             log(ex.tostring + vbnewline)             end         end try     end sub     sub cleanlogfiles()         try             log("executing routine cleanup of logs 30 days or older...")             dim file_date date             dim log_string string             each log_file in my.computer.filesystem.getfiles("\\[server name removed]\apps\macros_to_run\logs\")                 log_string = log_file.remove(log_file.length - 4, 4).remove(0, 40).replace("-", "/")                 file_date = convert.todatetime(log_string)                 if file_date.adddays(30) <= today                     my.computer.filesystem.deletefile(log_file)                     log(log_file + " has been deleted.")                 end if             next             log("log cleanup completed." + vbnewline + vbnewline)         catch ex exception             log(ex.tostring)         end try     end sub     sub log(byval text string)         try             my.computer.filesystem.writealltext(logfile, now.tostring + vbtab + text + vbnewline, true)         catch ex exception         end try     end sub     sub executemacros()         try             log("file:  " + filedirectory + file)             oaccess = createobject("access.application")             'oaccess.visible = false             log("looking file...")             if my.computer.filesystem.fileexists(filedirectory + file)                 log("file found. opening database...")                 oaccess.opencurrentdatabase(filedirectory + file, false)                 log("database open. running macro(s)...")                 dim lines() string = system.io.file.readalllines(macrosfile)                 dim integer = 0                 until > lines.count - 1                     log("running macro " + lines(i).tostring + "...")                     oaccess.docmd.runmacro(lines(i).tostring)                     log("macro " + lines(i).tostring + " has completed.")                     += 1                 loop                 log("all macros specified have been run." + vbnewline + vbtab + vbtab + vbtab + "saving file on exit...")                 oaccess.docmd().quit(microsoft.office.interop.access.acquitoption.acquitsaveall)                 log("exit complete.")             else                 log("could not find file:  " + filedirectory + file)                 try                     log("attempting exiting of microsoft access without saving...")                     oaccess.docmd().quit(microsoft.office.interop.access.acquitoption.acquitsavenone)                     log("exit complete.")                 catch ex exception                     log("error occurred: " + ex.tostring)                 end try             end if             log("releasing interopservices unmanaged com object...")             system.runtime.interopservices.marshal.releasecomobject(oaccess)             oaccess = nothing             log("release complete.")             'my.computer.filesystem.copyfile(file, file.replace("labels.accdb", "labels_backup.accdb")) 'still work in progress         catch ex exception             log("error occurred: " + ex.tostring)         end try     end sub     sub createdbbackup()         try             log("checking backup of today's database...")             backupdb = today.tostring.remove(today.tostring.indexof(" "), today.tostring.length - today.tostring.indexof(" ")).replace("/", "-") + "_backup_" + file             if my.computer.filesystem.fileexists(dbbackupdirectory + backupdb)                 log("backup database found (" + dbbackupdirectory + backupdb + ")")             else                 log("an existing backup of today's database not found. creating backup...")                 my.computer.filesystem.copyfile(filedirectory + file, dbbackupdirectory + backupdb)                 log("backup has been created (" + dbbackupdirectory + backupdb + ")")             end if         catch ex exception             log("error occurred: " + ex.tostring)         end try     end sub     sub cleanbackupdatabases()         try             dim file_date date             dim db_string string             each db_file in my.computer.filesystem.getfiles(dbbackupdirectory)                 db_string = db_file.remove(0, 51).replace("-", "/")                 db_string = db_string.replace("_backup_" + file, "")                 file_date = convert.todatetime(db_string)                 if file_date.adddays(15) <= today                     my.computer.filesystem.deletefile(db_file)                     log(db_file + " has been deleted.")                 end if             next         catch ex exception             log("error occurred: " + ex.tostring)         end try     end sub end module 

any appreciated! also, have not had time research if can translated simple .vbs script changing code not require vs. ideas on how perform same task of executing access database macro in vbs script?



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