php - Laravel 4 Validation - Nested Indexed Arrays? -

i have array of various things...

$foo = []; $foo['stuff']['item'][0]['title' => 'flying_lotus']; $foo['stuff']['item'][1]['title' => 'various_cheeses']; $foo['stuff']['item'][2]['title' => 'the_career_of_vanilla_ice']; $foo['stuff']['item'][3]['title' => 'welsh_cats']; 

how validate 'title' key, using validator method in laravel 4?

here's have far...

$validator = validator::make($foo, ['stuff.item.???.title' => 'required']); 

i'm totally flummoxed indexed array. great .

the following answer laravel <= 5.1. laravel 5.2 introduced built-in array validation.

at time, validator class isn't meant iterate on array data. while can traverse through nested array find specific value, expects value single (typically string) value.

the way see it, have few options:

1: create rules array key in field name.

basically you're doing already, except you'd need figure out how many values ['stuff']['item'] array has. did results:

$data = [     'stuff' => [         'item'  => [             ['title' => 'flying_lotus'],             ['title' => 'various_cheeses'],             ['title' => ''],             ['title' => 'welsh_cats'],         ]     ] ];  $rules = [];  ($i = 0, $c = count($data['stuff']['item']); $i < $c; $i++) {     $rules["stuff.item.{$i}.title"] = 'required'; }  $v = validator::make($data, $rules);  var_dump($v->passes()); 

2: create custom validation method.

this allow create own rule, can expect array value , iterate on necessary.

this method has caveats, in a) won't have specific value error messages, since it'll error entire array (such if pass stuff.item value check), , b) you'll need check of array's possible values in custom function (i'm assuming you'll have more title validate).

you can create validation method using validator::extend() or extending class somewhere else.

3: extend validator class , replace/parent rules in question accept arrays.

create own extended validator class, , either implement custom rules, or rename existing ones, enabling rules accept array value if 1 happens along. has similar caveats #2 custom rule option, may "best practice" if intend on validating iterated arrays often.


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