objective c - split an existing iOS app project into static library and app skin project -

i split existing ios app project 1 static library , 1 app project.

since existing app project has been copies multiple times brand new instances different resources(graphics, icons etc) , settings.

i find it's hard maintain across difference instances once core project has been updated.

so i'm turning core project static library model, views , third party libraries.

the other project contains app part contains customised resources , app settings.

the problem how can classes in static library getting app settings app project , main app project calling classes in library.

any practise , tools that?

the main app project can make use of static library classes through exported header (.h) files. recommend reading bit them here:


and creating static library here:


as for providing app-specific settings static library, sounds static library might need contain applicationsettings protocol or similar, can provided static library calls require it. protocol define getters/setters known properties application possesses.

@protocol applicationsettings  - (bool)isuserreallyawesome; - (void)setisuserreallyawesome:(bool)awesome;  @end 

then can either configure instance of object statically, or can provide each static library method requires it:

- (void)somestaticlibrarymethodwitharg:(nsstring *)arg settings:(id<applicationsettings>)settings { ... } 


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